Saturday, October 01, 2005

The harder they come... by Carol Wolman

The harder they come... by Carol Wolman

Jimmy Cliff- "The harder they come, the harder they fall, one and all."
Luke 10: 18 Jesus said, “I have observed Satan fall like lightning from the sky. "
George W. Bush came on hard.  He waited impatiently in the wings while his brother and the hired guns and goons stole the Florida election, then barreled into the  White House with both guns blazing.  His first act was to cut off US funding for clinics all over the world that provided abortions or even gave abortion counseling.  Soon thereafter, he lifted the lid on energy prices in California, allowing his friends at Enron to steal billions.
Bush came on to America and to the world with shock and awe.  He comes from a long line of Nazis, and stated early on that it would be much easier to be a dictator.  In fact, he has extended  executive power many times to override or circumvent Congress.  He came into power with an agenda- to get rid the ABM treaty, invade Iraq, and put in place draconian laws that would gut the Bill of Rights, while giving tax cuts to the rich and sweetheart no bid contracts to his corporate cronies.
A few months into 2001, the country was beginning to collect itself and oppose his more egregious proposals, such as raising the ceiling on arsenic in drinking water.  Strong support of the ABM treaty was building. 
Of course, 9-11, Bush's "trifecta", stopped all opposition for a while.  The ABM treaty was rescinded a couple of months later, during the Christmas holiday, while no one was looking.  This opened the door to the massive boondoggle called "missile defense", which benefits no one except the Bush-friendly corporations, who reap hundreds of billions of dollars.
Then came the buildup to the Iraq invasion.  Bush wanted to invade during the winter, without bothering with approval from Congress or the UN, and ONLY THE WORLDWIDE PEACE MOVEMENT delayed him until the following May.  He twisted intelligence, bugged UN diplomats, lied to Congress, and finally got his war.  Proudly, he calls himself "the war president".
Bush is still coming on hard, thrusting the legal architect of his 2000 Florida election theft into the chair of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, pushing mininukes, razing poor neighborhoods in Iraq.  But what goes up, must come down.  What goes around, comes around.  He's cruisin'...
Indictments are being handed out to top aides and key cronies like Tom DeLay, Karl Rove- perhaps, Jack Abramoff.  The FAO calls Bush a lawbreaker for spending tax dollars to promote his educational plan.  His generals announce that his Iraq policy has failed.  The impeachment movement is gathering momentum.  It's only a matter of time, now.
Jimmy Cliff- "The harder they come, the harder they fall, one and all."
Luke 10: 18 Jesus said, “I have observed Satan fall like lightning from the sky. "
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman


At October 1, 2005 at 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Harman skips the 'filters' in blog on her visit to Iraq
Copley News Service WASHINGTON -- Insurgent attacks in Iraq are "crippling the country's infrastructure and forcing the U.S. military into a defensive crouch." "One senior U.S. official confided that the ...
Staffordshires Rule!
pit bull insurance

At October 1, 2005 at 4:57 PM, Blogger Bazz said...

Interesting blog! I enjoyed your thoughts on Mr. Bush and his hideous little cabal.


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