One God? The plan to attack Iran by Carol Wolman
One God? The plan to attack Iran by Carol Wolman
Psalm 47: 9The princes of the people are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abraham: for the shields of the earth belong unto God: He is greatly exalted.
The ground is being laid, militarily and diplomatically, for an aerial attack on Iran's nuclear facilities. In order to avoid the prolonged buildup to the invasion of Iraq, with all its calls to accountability, the plan this time is for Israel to do the bombing, with the US providing backup support with materiel and technology. There is some talk that nuclear tipped bunker busters will be used on buried Iranian facilities. This would spread radioactive dust throughout the Middle East.
Planned US-Israeli Attack on Iran
by Michel Chossudovsky
The story was first broken in January by Cy Hersh in the New Yorker, and has received very little attention. The attack reportedly is scheduled for June.
Evidently the Democrats have decided not to oppose this new act of aggression, which could ignite a worldwide thermonuclear war, as the Russians are allied with the Iranians in developing their nuclear capability. Only the intrepid Dennis Kucinich is speaking out against the ongoing militarization of the US, in his open letter to Howard Dean.
The emotional justification for a "pre-emptive war" against Iran is that Muslims are terrorists who worship a different god, an ancient moon god, a god of war, and therefore must be defanged before they can harm us. The actual reason, of course, is to further gain control of the world's petroleum resources.
In fact, the Muslims worship the same God as the Israelis and American Christians do, the God of Abraham. They acknowledge the central role of Jesus, and say that it was His Holy Spirit, in the form of the angel Gabriel, who dictated the Qu'ran to the prophet Mohammed.
The psalmist says: the shields of the earth belong unto God.
Unprovoked aggression - and the Iranians have done even less than Saddam to provoke the US - is directly contrary to the spirit of the Prince of Peace. Which side is God on in the Iraqi mess? The side of His servants protecting their homeland, or the side of the lying, torturing, murdering conqueror? Which side would God be on if Iran is attacked?
Psalm 47: 2For the LORD most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth. 3He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet.
God does not favor America over other nations, especially when all His laws of love and truth are so blatantly ignored. We the people, are in for a terrible awakening soon, if we don't wake up now and cry out against this latest plan of the beast, the kings and their armies.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
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