Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Fw:"DU is turning the planet into a death star"

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 1:53 PM
Subject: Simple words from a nuclear scientist

BG:  How  tell the public about the effects of (DU) deadly uranium in US munitions?

Leuren Moret, nuclear scientist, February 2005:
I believe in the end that (even) you will comprehend that the amount of DU released into the atmosphere since 1991 is far more than my estimate.  Whatever you or I think or differ about, the disaster is worse than we even know... but that tale will be told each year,  each decade, each century. 
Humanity has changed the genome of the entire planet forever.

How can you help us present the disaster in a way that ordinary people can comprehend?  Infant mortality is increasing globally for the first time in 41 years.

This planet is being turned into a death star.....

If  those reading Leuren Moret's words above do not yet know about DU and its effects (birth defects in particular), I suggest you visit the Uranium Medical Research website (  www.umrc.net ) for a start.  Dennis Kyne, a medic and veteran of Operation Desert Storm, has seen first-hand the effects on US troops.  I will be glad to send you lots of other references. 

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