Monday, November 08, 2004

Did Kerry betray us?

Dear Friends,
I tried this AM to call the Kerry campaign, both in Washington DC and in California.   I wanted to ask what they are doing with the millions they raised to demand recounts and fight voting irregularities.  The CA office is closed, and the DC phone is not taking messages.  The election was less than a week ago!  Where did they go?
As Jeff Rense put it:
The End Game -
Divide And Conquer
How clever it all was.
And what a joke. Kerry's tent-folding, whimped-out, contrived 'unity' concession speech revealed the final page of the whole story: the entire campaign, especially after the elimination of front-runner Gov Howard Dean, was all a set-up...a tawdry, clever, masterfully executed circus of deception, manipulation and deceit. Kerry ran off so fast November 3, all you could see were elbows and dust...and the back of his Skull and Bones t-shirt. Can America spell 'betrayed'?...
Truthout's William Rivers Pitt is a little less vituperative, but equally disgusted.  He gives a link for contacting the DNC- if that will do any good.  Perhaps if Terry McAuliffe is inundated with requests for recounts, something will happen, but I doubt it.  I agree with Rense- the outcome was fixed in advance, Kerry knew it, and went along with a charade. 
In the name of the God of truth,  Carol Wolman

    Worse Than 2000: Tuesday's Electoral Disaster
    By William Rivers Pitt

   John Kerry and John Edwards promised on Tuesday night that every vote would count, and that every vote would be counted. By Wednesday morning, Kerry had conceded the race to Bush, eliciting outraged howls from activists who were watching the reports of voting irregularities come piling in. Kerry had said that 10,000 lawyers were ready to fight any wrongdoing in this election. One hopes that he still has those lawyers on retainer.

    According to black-letter election law, Bush does not officially get a second term until the electors from the Electoral College go to Washington D.C on December 12th. Perhaps Kerry's 10,000 lawyers, along with a real investigation per the request of Conyers, Nadler and Wexler, could give those electors something to think about in the interim.

    In the meantime, soon-to-be-unemployed DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe sent out an email on Saturday night titled 'Help determine the Democratic Party's next steps.' In the email, McAuliffe states, "If you were involved in these grassroots activities, we want to hear from you about your experience. What did you do? Did you feel the action you took was effective? Was it a good experience for you? How would you make it better? Tell us your thoughts." He provided a feedback form where such thoughts can be sent.

    Use the form. Give Terry your thoughts on the matter. Ask him if those 10,000 lawyers are still available. It seems the validity of Tuesday's election remains a wide-open question.


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