Sunday, November 07, 2004

Questions about Kerry

I have a lot of questions about the Kerry campaign.  First and foremost, why didn't Kerry demand recounts, for instance in heavily Democratic counties in Florida that gave big majorities to Bush?  His campaign collected a lot of money for that purpose- where is it?  What is it being used for?  Shouldn't it go to Black Box voting, which is filing massive freedom of information lawsuits to get records on the election process, in Florida, Ohio, and New Mexico, and perhaps others?
Second, why did Kerry pull his punches during the campaign?   Why didn't he make an issue out of the obvious wiring, totally illegal, that Bush brought into the debates?  Why didn't he ever bring up Abu Ghraib?  Or the outing of Valerie Plame, or the failure to really investigate 9-11?  
Why is Kerry now calling for unity, instead of leading the much-needed opposition?  What sort of backroom deals are going on now?
In the name of the God of truth,   Carol Wolman


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