Saturday, November 06, 2004

"You cannot serve God and mammon."

(Jesus said) "You cannot serve God and mammon."

The Pharisees, who loved money,
heard all these things and sneered at Him.
And He said to them,
"You justify yourselves in the sight of others,
but God knows your hearts;
for what is of human esteem is an abomination in the sight of God."
Luke 16: 13-15
America is ruled by Pharisees.  They pretend to love God, but their actions show that they worship mammon.  The sad thing is that half the voters have been taken in by the Pharisees and believe they are voting for God, when actually they have voted for lovers of money, who are abominations in the sight of God.
I want to recommend two articles.  The first, an op-ed from the British Daily Mirror, can be found at   I've reprinted the lead paragraph- the article says America will get what it deserves.
The second, somewhat kinder, came via email without a URL attached, so I am reprinting it in full.  Entitled "A letter to the world", it pleads for understanding and help for the half of us who voted against Bush.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman

Nov 5 2004


THEY say that in life you get what you deserve. Well, today America has deservedly got a lawless cowboy to lead them further into carnage and isolation and the unreserved contempt of most of the rest of the world....

2)  Subject: A letter to the world


November 3, 2004

To the citizens of the world:

America is not united.

We, one half of the American people, are shocked and angered by the re-election of George W. Bush
as our president. We are immensely disappointed.
Yet our resolve remains steadfast.

This is a new day. Our half of America - we who
oppose Bush -- has woken up. We now know that we
have more in common with many other citizens of
the globe than with the other half of our country
who cast votes for Bush. We realize now that we
are unified with others across the planet in a
worldwide battle for thoughtfulness, critical
thinking, human rights, and protection of our
common planetary resources. We are clear now that
the other half of our nation supports an American
brand of fundamentalism, which preaches a gospel
of fear and hate founded on ignorance. This
gospel disregards the humanity of innocent
citizens of other nations; it marginalizes the
poor and preaches intolerance for the "different"
within our own nation.

America is not united.

This is a new day for our half of America. We
have realized that the other half of our country
is not guided by reason. The other half knew Bush
lied to us about Iraq. They knew that Bush has
burdened our economy with insurmountable debt.
They knew that Bush's party intimidated voters.
They knew that Bush is destroying our
environment. They knew that Bush might lead us
into other unprovoked and endless wars. Still
they voted for Bush. Exiting the polls, they
explained that Bush stood for "moral values,"
that he is "a man of God."

But half of America voted against him.

World citizens: know that America is not united.

Our nation was founded upon principles of reason,
not fundamentalist ideology. We have reached a
turning point. We are alienated from many of our
fellow Americans. We are citizens of the world.
Understand that we have put our souls into the
defeat of Bush - and remember us as we continue
to strive to create a better America. Our half of
America will not rest until reason and humanity


One half of the citizens of the United States




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