Friday, September 09, 2005

Impediments to impeachment by Carol Wolman

Impediments to impeachment by Carol Wolman
It is easy to blame others for the lack of an impeachment movement in the US.  As I talk to people about this, I hear all sorts of excuses:
1) The Bush people are too entrenched, too powerful.  They control Congress and the media.  What chance do we have?
Reply:  you can be a wet blanket or you can help.  Get busy, collect signatures, join a local meetup.
2)  Patrick Fitzgerald, the Special Prosecutor, and the grand jury will indict Bush and Cheney and they will be forced out of office.
Reply:  Fitzgerald operates from within the Justice Department and is subject to administration pressure.  Indictments won't do the job without a strong grass roots movement backing them up.
3) Isn't impeachment up to Congress?  Why don't the progressives in Congress provide some leadership?
Reply: Conyers, Lee, Waters and others are doing what they can to lay groundwork.  They are greatly hampered by the general climate in DC, and the draconian Repug control of the House.  They need us to generate such a strong movement that impeachment becomes the main topic of discussion in the country.
4) I'm afraid of retaliation from the Bush people if I stick my neck out.  They are nasty.
Reply:  The Founding Fathers put their lives on the line so that we could have freedom, including the right to impeach criminals in power.  Jesus died for denouncing the Pharisees of his day.  Can we do less?
Luke 6: 40The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master.
Two things you can do right away:

1) print out a petition to Rep. John Conyers, asking him to proceed with
formal impeachment proceedings at This
one page petition has 15 signature lines, and gets faxed directly to
Conyers' office.  Make lots of copies, and ask people who sign if they want
to take one and do what you are doing.  About half of them will, according
to my experience.  Point out that 131 members of Congress signed Conyers' letter to Bush demanding an explanation for the Downing Street memo.  Tell them that we need a new, impeachment Congress in '06, and this petition will help educate voters to ask the House candidates to take a stand.

2) Join or form a local group at
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman


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