Woe unto you! by Carol Wolman
Woe unto you! by Carol Wolman
Curses are considered rude these days. I've been called a hatemonger for believing that Bush should be impeached. That belief has been intensified over the past two weeks.
The insensitivity of the Bush family to the suffering of others is remarkable. Bush commented that his friend Trent Lott, who lost a house to Hurricane Katrina (he has two others) will be rebuilt in a year. "A year from now I'll be sitting on his front porch", says Dubya. What about the millions who cannot afford to rebuild? whose living was marginal at best and have lost everything? Only the rich matter to the rich.
Then there was his mother Barbara's comment about how the refugees love Texas so much that they are better off now. Better to lose the queen of cities, New Orleans? Better to lose one's neighborhood, and home?
This arrogant family has the nerve to interrupt food service to starving people for hours so they can have their photo ops. Here's what Jesus had to say to their ilk:
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