Is Bush the messiah? by Carol Wolman
Is Bush the messiah? by Carol Wolman
This would be a ridiculous, obscene question except for the fact that, even after his glaring incompetence and callousness over Katrina, many Americans STILL support Bush and believe that he can do no wrong. I saw this with my own eyes on Labor Day in Fort Bragg, California.
Our local Peace and Justice Group and Veterans for Peace carried a coffin in the Labor Day parade with prominent signs saying Recall Bush and Cheney (California recalled Governer Gray Davis not long ago). Much of the crowd was hostile, some shook their heads disapprovingly at us, some yelled "up with Bush"! I was shocked.
The only explanation I can come up with for this incredible lack of common sense in one of the more liberal areas of the country is that some still believe the old Bush line, that he was appointed by God to lead America.
It should be clear to all, in the wake of Katrina, that the great tribulation of the end-times, prophesied in the Book of Revelation and in many other sacred writings of other cultures (see is now upon us. Global warming, peak oil, WMD's, destruction of forests and rivers, famines and pestilences, all were predicted by the world's holy men 2-3 thousand years ago. Perhaps they could see where humanity was heading, even then.
Most prophetic writings, and certainly those in the Bible with which we are familiar, promise a messianic figure that will unite the world in peace.
Bush is pretending to be that messianic figure, relying on a heretical interpretation of the Bible called the rapture cult, which says that the current material reality will be firestormed away, and replaced by a new heaven and a new earth. The true believers will be whisked away to heaven on a space ship.
Some have suggested that those who were killed by Katrina were raptured, others that they were being punished for the sins of New Orleans. Whatever. It's pretty clear that there has not been a wholesale vaporization of true believers all over the world, or even in the US.
Well, perhaps the pretribulation rapturists, the dispensationalists who believe that they will escape the karmic results of their greed and carelessness by voting for Bush, are wrong, and the mid- or even post- trib rapturists are right.
Meanwhile, Bush remains in power, and it is hard, even now, to get people to talk about impeachment. Why? They must believe all his talk about spreading freedom and democracy, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
When He, the returning Christ or Mahdi or Buddha or whatever He is called does come, He will BE peace, not a war president, not a callous torturer not a bomber of civilians, not a spreader of uranium dust. There will be a firestorm of truth and justice, that will sweep the false Christians from power.
The rapture will consist of recognizing Him and His message: "love your neighbor as yourself". Then we will have peace, and healing, and a chance to clean up our beloved planet.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
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