Monday, September 05, 2005

God to Bush: You blew it by Carol Wolman

God to Bush: You blew it by Carol Wolman

George, you call yourself a Christian.  You claim that you invaded Iraq because I told you to.  You say that you were anointed to lead America.

George, don't you remember that My greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself?   I sent Hurricane Katrina to test you, so that you could show Me and the world that you truly are compassionate, as you claim, that you truly are a capable leader, as you claim, that you truly listen to Me and carry out My will.

Instead, you showed the world your callous indifference, and your inability or unwillingness to assume leadership in a time of crisis.  Your failure has cost thousands of lives, people who could have been rescued and sustained.  Your failure has further besmirched the reputation of your government, which has shown itself to be an unfeeling and incompetent bunch, caring only about enriching themselves and gathering power. 

Do you not recall My words:

Psalm 62   10Trust not in oppression, and become not vain in robbery: if riches increase, set not your heart upon them.
But your response to My test, hurricane Katrina, was to ignore the victims and instead do some political fundraising, and then send in the Marines when law and order broke down. 
You failed the test, George.
You blew it.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman







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