Thursday, June 30, 2005

Thank God for the Internet by Carol Wolman

Thank God for the Internet by Carol Wolman

Psalm 115: 15Ye are blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth.
What would we do without the internet? 
There is a battle for the soul of America currently taking place.  The Radical Religious Right (RRR) has succeeded in taking over the government, the major media, and many churches.   Spiritual progressives still have free expression on the internet, as shown by the spreading awareness of the Downing Street memos, despite a media blackout.
The RRR is satanic, as proven by its methods and by the fruit of its policies.  The Bush government it has installed is working for the corporate beast, not for the people.  Lying, vandalizing, killing, polluting with uranium dust- the satanic forces are doing their best to destroy life on planet earth. 
This evil intention is cloaked in the rapture cult. Based on a false Bible, the Scofield Bible, the RRR promises its believers prosperity now and a free ride to heaven if they will support its death dealing policies.  Thus these poor sheep give over their souls to the devil.
The RRR's government is fascist, seeking to control everyone's mind via propaganda, backed up by terrorist threats.  Its officials trumpet their delight in torture, expanding Abu Ghraib and Gitmo (with Halliburton getting the contracts) even while international outrage mounts at American brutality.  Its spokesmen promise endless war in response to the outcry for peace.
The internet allows truth to shine forth in the face of all the lies.  The Downing Street memos have shone the bright light of truth on the tangle of lies woven to entrap the world into allowing the illegal invasion of Iraq.  The internet has reflected that light of truth into many hitherto closed minds, and a fresh breeze is starting to blow through America.
The RRR and its international allies are seeking ways to control the flow of information on the internet, but so far, they have failed.  It is too decentralized, too permeable, too universal.  It is heaven, in the sense that it allows consciousness-raising on a scale and with a rapidity never before known.  It is God's gift to us, in response to satan's efforts to enslave us.
Of course, the internet has its dark side- porno, scams, trafficking.  But its value as a neutral medium allowing the free play of ideas cannot be overstated.  Truth prevails when expression is free.
Jesus castigated the Pharisees for oppressing the people, and above all, for their hypocrisy.  He meant their spiritual hypocrisy, their claim to represent God when they really represented the Roman empire.
Matthew 23:25  Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.
The RRR claims to represent God, and cloaks itself in self-righteousness over abortion and hatred of gays, Muslims, etc.  The Downing Street memos prove the hypocrisy of the RRR officials of the Bush administration, by showing that while publicly they were claiming great alarm over Saddam and pledging to look for peaceful solutions, privately they knew Saddam was no threat, and were already starting the invasion.
What hypocrites!  What would Jesus say to them!
The Internet proves the existence of God, who has graciously given us this new interconnectedness, so that truth can prevail over worldly power.   God is on the side of His creation, human beings, not on the side of the corporate beast and the false prophets, who serve satan and seek to destroy us.
Thank God for the Internet.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman


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