Fw: URGENT -- Breaking news and the treasonous demise of George W. Bush
Psalm 34: 1I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
----- Original Message -----
From: A
To: carol wolman
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 10:53 PM
Subject: Fw: URGENT -- Breaking news and the treasonous demise of George W. Bush
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 7:02 PM
Subject: URGENT -- Breaking news and the treasonous demise of George W. Bush
For those of you who do not know of me, I am John Buchanan, the so-called "9/11 Truth" 2004 Presidential candidate and "Bush-Nazi journalist" from The New Hampshire Gazette. I am also author of the October 2004 book, Fixing America.
For more than a year, in public speeches around the country and in conversations with a number of you, I have predicted that the leaking from the White House of Valerie Plame's identity to columnist Robert Novak, in violation of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, would ultimately bring the demise of George W. Bush and his criminal minions.
Today, it appears, that demise could be imminent. But the nation desperately needs your help -- NOW.
Editor & Publisher magazine, the much respected Bible of the journalism trade, is reporting, as picked up by www.drudgereport.com and highlighted in red, that Time magazine is presently considering naming the critical and until now secret White House source who outed CIA WMD analyst Ms. Plame. Their chief motive seems to be the protection of their reporter Matthew Cooper, who along with Judith Miller of The New York Times, will soon be in prison for an extended stay unless they reveal the identity of the leaker. Time has also been assessed with a fine of $1,000 a day until the identity of the source is revealed.
I trust that all of you will agree with me that the national security of the United States is at issue here, not the right of journalists to protect sources under "normal" editorial circumstances. In this instance, a sitting President of the United States, via his top deputies, committed a major crime, solely out of vengeance against former Ambassador Joseph Wilson -- Plame's husband -- who had publicly noted Bush's deceit about "significant quanities of uranium from Africa (Niger)" in his 2003 State of the Union Address in, ironically, a New York Times op-ed piece.
Now, with Time considering doing the right thing under the prevailing circumstances, both for themselves and the country, it is important to bring massive and open public pressure upon them -- and the NYT -- to, in fact, do the right thing -- under rather extraordinary and compelling circumstances.
The VP of Corporate Communications at Time is Dawn Bridges. Her direct phone number is (212) 522-2494. Her e-mail address is: dawn_bridges@timeinc.com.
Her deputy is Peter Costiglio. He can be reached at (212) 522-3927. His e-mail address is peter_costiglio@timeinc.com. I have already spoken with him, and he is a polite, professional person who thanked me for voicing my views. I am confident he will do the same for you.
The New York Times can be reached at (212) 556-1234. The Executive Editor is Bill Keller. His e-mail is executive-editor@nytimes.com. Judith Miller's e-mail is jmiller@nytimes.com.
In the case of Miller, I also trust you will heartily support her jailing if she continues to refuse to identify her source. Her horrible misreporting on the lead up to the war in Iraq, most notably her Ahmed Chalabi-inspired fabrications about the infamous aluminum tubes for a centrifuge suitable for making nuclear weapons, has unnecessarily cost countless thousands of human lives, including nearly 1,800 Americans, yet she has never apologized publicly, although the paper did -- without naming her. She is, as you probably know if you have seen her on TV, one of the most arrogant occupants of the ivory tower in the history of journalism.
The point is that she still has a job. She should go to prison for a long, long time -- for what is, in effect, treason.
PLEASE take a few moments and send heartfelt e-mails and then follow up with phone calls to make Time Inc. aware of its clear moral and Constitutional responsibility at this potential turning point in American history. If you have an extra moment, please call and/or e-mail Keller and/or Miller and try to convince the NYT -- still the world newspaper of record despite its terrible and obvious flaws -- to corroborate the identity of the source.
If the White House source is named, he will almost certainly be indicted under the IIPA of 1982. That indictment COULD be against Karl Rove or Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Cheney's chief of staff -- or a top aide. In either case, we will have another Watergate-level crisis on our hands -- an indictment in a President's WH inner circle -- the mainstream media will be forced onto the story -- and George W. Bush will earn the nasty fate he so deserves.
The world may see him get "frog-marched out of the White House," to quote Ambassador Wilson's famous hope about Karl Rove's fate.
The future of America, the Presidency, the press aas watchdog for the people, and the concept of the U.S. as "a nation of laws, not men" (the very Constitutional principle that brought down Richard Nixon) will most assuredly bring down Bush.
We just need a BIG PUSH -- and we need it now. PLEASE help.
Please also circulate this to ALL of your important contact lists, including the alt-media luminaries such as www.commondreams.org, www.truthout.org, and www.buzzflash.com.
Together, we the people can win the real war on terror, right here, right now, by holding Bush and his cabal accountable in full public view.
If you have additional thoughts or ideas, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you.
John Buchanan, journalist & documentary filmmaker (207) 332-3978 jtwg50@yahoo.com
Author, "Fixing America: Breaking the Stranglehold of Corporate Rule, Big Media and the Religious Right"
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