Letter to TIME: Reveal the source of the Plame leak
Dear Dawn Bridges,
Now that the Supreme Court of the US has refused to let your magazine and your reporter off the hook for "outing" a key CIA agent, please do the right thing, and publish the name of the person or persons in the White House who leaked this top secret information.
Valerie Plame was undercover, running a network of around 90 people around the world. Their job was to track WMD's on the world market that might fall into terrorist hands. With the blowing of their controller's cover, many of these brave agents have probably been killed.
Someone, in George Bush's White House, "outed" Valerie Plame, as an act of vengeance against her husband, Joe Wilson. Wilson had the audacity to assert that Bush was lying in his 2002 State of the Union message, when Bush declared that Saddam had imported uranium yellowcake from Niger. Wilson knew this was a lie, because he had been sent to Niger to investigate this claim and found it was based on fraudulent documents.
Do you remember- Bush was whipping up public fervor about Saddam's non-existent WMD's at that time? If he was so concerned about WMD's and terrorism, why did he "out" a CIA agent whose job was making sure WMD's did NOT get to terrorists?
This is TREASON. It has exposed the American people to the very dangers that Bush claims he is trying to protect us from.
Speculation points to "Scooter" Libby or Karl Rove as the source of the leak- perhaps both. Bush must have given his approval, and has not "found" the staff person and fired him.
Bush is guilty of TREASON against the US. His stock in trade is lying and intimidating. No doubt he will try to intimidate Time magazine into continuing to protect the TRAITORS in the White House.
You, Time magazine, a major source of news in this country, have a responsibility greater than that of "protecting sources". You have a responsibility to expose the TRAITORS running our government, and help the people to get them out of office. Journalists are supposed to disseminate the truth.
Peace, Carol S. Wolman, MD
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