Friday, February 25, 2005

Fw: Lecture on DU and Iraqi children

----- Original Message -----
From: Karim A G
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 3:30 PM
Subject: Lecture on DU and Iraqi children

A MUST to know what the Coalition Forces have done in Iraq based in lies


Last night I went to a presentation by an Iraqi pediatrician at the Iraqi community center on Delridge Way.


She presented statistics for only ONE hospital in Basra which is where she practices.


She showed some charts with incidences of cancer among infants and children in that hospital before the first invasion by Bush The Father and since, including now after the invasion by Bush the Son. The best of the stats i.e., the ones with the LOWEST increases show an upswing of over 300%.


She showed statistics and pictures of infants born deformed or with cancer in charts and some in pictures.


She said the chart figures did not include the many times more incidences of miscarriages or those children whose parents did not bring them to the hospital because they thought the kids were done for and there was no medicine anyway so why bother? In answer to a question, she also clarified that her hospital is an ordinary one that does not specialize in cancer or in children's disease so her figures are not skewed because of a specialty; that there are a few other hospitals in Basra that also offer pediatric care.


She did say that hers is not a scientific study and that detailed scientific study needs to be done in order to establish direct causal relationship with DU and at this time, there is no agency willing to conduct such research. In her mind however, there is no doubt that the cause of the increase in birth defects and children's cancer is DU.


It was a most sobering evening.


She is making another presentation TONIGHT (Wed. 23rd) at Wykoff Hall in Seattle University. I urge those who can make it, to attend and I especially urge those who do not believe DU is as big a threat as "the liberals" make it out to be, to attend and ask questions.


Then be prepared to make life hell for the cowards who represent us in Congress (except McDermott) by asking them WHY they are not raising the issue in Congress.


DU is a threat to Humanity that is FAR, FAR, FAR greater than any issue that has ever faced us. Even landmines becomes a children's playground as compared to DU which has  half-life of 4.5 MILLION years. This means that in 4.5 million years DU is still present but with only half its strength. After impact DU particles become vaporized and then are capable of being wind-borne for hundreds of miles.


Folks, this is not about Iraq or Afghanistan although it is being used there in the hundreds of tons scale; this is about the entire Earth. To be sure Island USA is relatively safe from DU but do we not own some responsibility for what goes on overseas in our name?


Jeff Siddiqui, Associate Broker
Western Associates Real Estate
Seattle, WA 98103
pager: (206) 994-7398



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