Monday, February 21, 2005

dark times

 Dear Friends,
Today I had a new patient, a depressed young man.  He did not want to take antidepressant medication because "the Lord has laid this burden on me, and He will heal me if He wants to".  He is an ardent fan of the LEFT BEHIND series, and wishes the rapture would come soon, although he denies feeling suicidal. 
I just sent out an email about how high school students are being bombarded with recruitment messages.  The recruiters hound them in the lunchroom, the guidance counselor's office is plastered with recruitment posters, and Channel 1, the school news channel which they watch each morning, is full of ads from the armed services.  We are quickly becoming a militarized country.
Bush is pushing for a new generation of nukes and an end to the ban on nuclear weapons testing.  No mainstream politician will touch the depleted uranium issue with a 10 foot pole.   It's easy to lose hope.  If we escape a nuclear conflagration, the slower nuclear war may destroy the gene pool.
I derive hope from my own story.  I went to Jerusalem in 1978 to talk about the psychic numbing Americans were manifesting then about the threat of nuclear war.  Why would God answer by sending Jesus to walk with me and promise that He would use me to prevent nuclear war?  Why would God have sent an angel to tell me, in Jerusalem, that I would have children, when I was almost too old?   Why would He fulfill the prophecy about children so thoroughly and faithfully if He didn't mean to fulfill the promise as well?
I take comfort from His constant presence in my life, and keep my faith.
  Psalm 23: 4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman


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