The Spirit is Truth.
The Spirit is Truth.
1 John 5: 6
Dear Friends,
Truth is our main weapon against the dark forces that are overwhelming the US right now. Our spirits are maintained by the truth-tellers. We are encouraged by the brave senators and representatives who stood up yesterday and said that the Ohio vote was too questionable to allow. We are encouraged by the brave people who ferret out information about torture and publicize it, so that the Senate is forced to grill Gonzales, who approved this policy.
GWB hates truth. He reportedly doesn't want to hear "bad news" from Iraq, even though it is mostly bad these days. He isn't concerned about whether a vote count is honest, as long as he is declared the winner. His press people are concerned about spin, not truth. He has done everything possible to suppress the truth about 9-11, about the outing of Valerie Plame, about the true costs of MediCare and Social Security "reforms", etc. His hatred of the truth is one of the major indicators that the spirits he listens to are not of God, but of Satan.
The weapon of Jesus is the "sword that comes out of the mouth"- the tongue. We must continue to speak truth to power, whatever the personal cost- and it may get harsher as the satanic powers become more entrenched. We must speak the truth about torture, about media lies, about voting fraud, about people's characters, and about the meaning of God. Only by exposing the lies and the liars will we maintain our good spirits and eventually prevail.
In the name of the God of truth, Carol Wolman
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