Monday, January 03, 2005

Fw: We are One community, One people, One world, we are One Heart, Love serena

What would the Kingdom of God look like?  All nations would unite in helping the most needy.  Armies would turn from killing to rescuing.  There would be an outpouring of love and generosity toward those in trouble.
It's all happening.   In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman
Lord, every nation on earth will adore You.
The mountains shall yield peace for the people,
and the hills justice.
He shall defend the afflicted among the people,
save the children of the poor.
Psalm 72: 11, 3-4
----- Original Message -----
From: rainbow7
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 6:50 AM
Subject: We are One community, One people, One world,
we are One Heart, Love serena

Everything works in tandem ... nothing happens arbitrarily.

Do You re_member a few years back when there was talk that groups of people would be leaving en masse? Events on such a large scale beckoning the attention of the world. Well, 911 was the beginning, next came the Indonesian tsunamis caused by earth quakes. Both
times massive numbers of people left this plane. Did you question why so many left at one time?  Think back right after 911 ... the world was united.  Just as before, hearts once again are opened and people are coming together to assist those in need.  This is the time whereby we can help enforce and maintain openness, love and compassion by sharing it with others.

When so many leave at one time it is for a reason. They did so out of love .. They knew on a different level that the world needed to re-direct the energy from frustrations of war to Love.... to re_mind us that this life is temporal and the ONLY thing that truly matters is unconditional Love...  It is not the "human" love but the pure Love that is within ... It is what we are and who we are. Everything and every one is a part of the Divine Cosmic Consciousness.
It is the Heart Connection -- the bond that tells us we are One in Love.  "God" is Love.

We are One community, One people, One world, and we are One
Heart together endlessly forever and a day more *S* . 



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