Friday, November 05, 2004

prayer for Bush

Dear Lord,
You have allowed George W. Bush a second term in office, although many of us suspect that he stole this election by way of rigged voting machines in key states.  Nevertheless, he appears to have a mandate of the American voters, and the world leaders are accepting him on those grounds.
Dear Lord, this man claims to be Your follower, and was elected mainly by Christians who see him as Your servant.  Yet we know that in many ways he has done the opposite of Your will- stealing from the poor to enrich the rich, invading another country on a false pretext and wantonly killing innocent civilians, despoiling Your precious creation.
I therefore pray, since You have given him almost unlimited power, that You also change Bush's heart.   Let him renounce the evil advisors who have guided him to date.  Teach him repentance, teach him compassion for the poor, teach him to hate war and love peace.  Change him utterly so that he truly does help to bring about Your kingdom on earth.
There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents
than over ninety-nine righteous people
who have no need of repentance.
Luke 15: 7
In the name of the Prince of Peace,
Carol Wolman


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