Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Fw: A View of the US Election From Japan

----- Original Message -----
From: "YumiKikuchi きくちゆみ"
To: "carol wolman"
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 6:24 PM
Subject: A View of the US Election From Japan

> A view of the US election from Japan
> by Yumi Kikuchi
> I watched the US election closely and I would like to share how I feel.
> Democracy is dying in the US (and maybe in Japan, too) Who won this
> election is won by swindling voting machine and by not counting all the
> vote accurately. We all know that. We hear so many stories of fraud,
> yet how come no US media is covering it?
> What happened to the country of the freedom and democracy?
> Why are you fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan and sending soldiers all
> over the world? Isn't that all for protecting freedom and democracy?
> But the election, the base of democracy and freedom, is full of fraud,
> isn't it? No country will trust the US after such an election.
> We run organic farm and guest house in Japan and we take 3 months
> vacation every winter. Our favorite destination was always USA, but
> not from this winter on. I do not feel like visiting USA anymore.
> It is not fun to be treated like criminals at US airports (i.e.
> has to be
> taken due to Homeland Security). It is not fun to spend money in the
> country that doesn't care the pain and suffering of so many people who
> lost their loved ones by bombs and missiles paid by the US tax. If I
> the
> US and spend money, it would support that. SO, we shall stop visiting the
> US at least for 4 years.
> I feel like organizing "Boycott US campaign". To begin with, Japan should
> stop buying US government bonds, which has been funding the US war.
> Yes, that is where I should start. So, what will you start?
> Dear Americans for peace and justice,
> Please take back your country.
> Where is your democracy?
> Where is your freedom?
> Are you just watching your country to be taken over by neo-cons,
> and
> Christian fundamentalists?
> Wake up. Wake up before your country destroy whole planet.
> The US has 5 % of the world population, yet consumes over 40 % of
> world resources, emiting more CO2 than anyone else. Ice is melting at the
> north
> and south poles. We can lose everything by global warming. This is the
> fight we
> have to really fight together. Not against the terrorists, but against
> global warming.
> (By the way, who is the real terrorist on earth? Majority of the world
> would say G.W. Bush, I bet.)
> Children and babies are crying and dying in Fallujah. Stop killing
> innocents.
> Investigate your election. Investigate 911. Go to
> Find the truth and let it prevail.
> Be courageous and compassionate. Please remember how your country
> was found by those great founding fathers.
> We all make mistakes, but when we notice them, we can change.
> It is time to change the direction of your country, or we won't survive.
> Japan has been following the USA as we used to believe the US is the
> greatest country of freedom and democracy. Few Japanese believe
> that any more after this election and I bet I am not the only Japanese who
> stop visiting the USA.
> love and peace,
> Yumi
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "carol wolman"
> To: "YumiKikuchi きくちゆみ"
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 5:08 PM
> Subject: Re: Help America Audit -- 5 Things You Can Do Immediately by Bev
> Harris- Black Box Voting
> Write something about the view of the US election from Japan. We need to
> see ourselves from the outside. Peace, Carol


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