Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Valley of Decision by Carol Wolman

The Valley of Decision by Carol Wolman

The Bush administration is under attack from many directions, and people are deciding whether to support this band of pirates, which has intimidated and/or bought most of Congress, or to join the attackers and reclaim the ship of state for the people.  No one knows the outcome; it depends on what decisions many people make over the next few days and weeks. 
Karl Rove is deciding what to say to the Grand Jury.  Republican senators are deciding whether to back Bush's nanny for Supreme Court justice, or to rebel against this ridiculous nomination.  All over the Mississippi delta, people are deciding how big a stink to raise about FEMA's ineptness and fascist tactics.  White House insiders are deciding how much of Bush's drinking and erratic behavior they should leak to the press.  Generals are deciding to tell the truth about the situation on the ground in Iraq.  Prosecutors are deciding to go after some big fish.
It is a time for decision, and for decisiveness.  There are many ways in which we can help bring Bush and cronies down. 
  • Increase our visibility.  People need to know how big the peace and justice movement is, so they will feel safe to join it.  Wear t-shirts, peace earrings, put a sign in the window of your house and place of business, and a bumper sticker or two on your car.
  • Work for impeachment.  This is the legal, peaceful, democratic way to oust criminals from high office.  Call your Congressman every day and ask why he/she is not working for impeachment.  Join your local impeachment group- look for it at
  • Increase our activity level- we are in the valley of decision.  Speak out more, write more, organize more.
  • For more suggestions, check
Time for some BIG changes.
Joel 3: 14 For near is the day of the LORD
in the valley of decision.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman


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