A special day- addendum by Carol Wolman
Dear Friends,
In my previous post, I noted that today is Rosh Hashanah and also the first day of Ramadan, and stated that it is not a special Christian holiday.
I quickly received the following email:
Carol, How could you forget that today is the feast day of that very special saint and peacemaker, Francis of Assisi?? This makes the convergence of holy days complete, nÂ’est-ce pas?
Sylvia Melrose
Sylvia Melrose
Here is the St. Francis prayer:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred . . . let me sow love
Where there is injury . . . pardon
Where there is doubt . . . faith
Where there is despair . . .hope
Where there is darkness . . . light
Where there is sadness . . .joy
Divine Master,
grant that i may not so much seek
To be consoled . . .as to console
To be understood . . .as to understand,
To be loved . . . as to love
For it is in giving . . .that we receive,
It is in pardoning, that we are pardoned,
It is in dying . . .that we are born to eternal life.
Where there is hatred . . . let me sow love
Where there is injury . . . pardon
Where there is doubt . . . faith
Where there is despair . . .hope
Where there is darkness . . . light
Where there is sadness . . .joy
Divine Master,
grant that i may not so much seek
To be consoled . . .as to console
To be understood . . .as to understand,
To be loved . . . as to love
For it is in giving . . .that we receive,
It is in pardoning, that we are pardoned,
It is in dying . . .that we are born to eternal life.
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