The World Can't Wait - Drive out the Bush Regime Ads on Air America It's now less than 4 WEEKS until the beginning of the end of the Bush Regime as we launch this movement on Wednesday November 2, with mass outpourings to repudiate the whole direction the Bush regime is taking. In only the last week, the shameless advocacy of genocide by (former) Bush Education Secretary Bennett; Bush's nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court; Bill O'Reilly's call for Bush to assassinate Syrian President Assad...provide daily outrages only strengthening the need for this regime to be driven from office. Two days of ads on Air America this week show the huge potential of connecting with millions across the country who won't wait! Our phones are ringing, traffic to our new website has jumped, and email is streaming in from people all over the country talking about what they will do on November 2 in dozens of cities. Students, older people who have never been active, people who met World Can't Wait protesting in Washington on Sepember 24 andn those who heard us on Air America are meeting up. One example: A man who was appointed fundraiser the night before at a first local World Can't Wait meeting in the northwest sent $1000 yesterday after a long discussion with an organizer in our office. The urgency he felt to act and support this effort is based on believing there is a limtied window of time in which we can stop the Bush Regime's direction. He said "The Democrats faciliate the Republicans. They have no firm alternative to pose". Many people have said the World Can't Wait Call is the first thing they've seen that says what they know, has the potential to unite many people, and provides hope we can act. We plan to run new ads next week. Writers and actors are producing more messages now for Air America and other stations. More money is needed to get them on the air. World Can't Wait initiator Sunsara Taylor was interviewed on Mike Malloy's show on Air America Tuesday. Listen Did you hear our ad on Air America Radio?  Students at DeWitt Clinton High School, Bronx NY walked out last month in protest that "the school is on lockdown," from new security measures. Here covered with "World Can't Wait" stickers, they prepare for November 2 walk-out. No school! Drive out the Bush Regime! Thanks for looking us up. By doing so, you have demonstrated that you are not ready to resign to the nightmarish world-according-to-Bush. Now, you need to do more. Please read on and become part of making history, or click here to get started now.
The Bush regime has not been defanged. It is not "on its way out." Believing that the accumulation of troubles Bush has accumulated after Katrina, in Iraq, and with Delay's indictment is enough to stop this regime's relentless and fascistic drive to remake the country and the world is a deadly illusion! After police and military demonized, abandoned and then shot at Katrina victims, Bush wants to expand the unrestrained powers of these repressive apparatus. This regime does not listen to public opinion. Anytime it pauses, it is not to let up, but to regain their footing to push forward even more relentlessly. And all the while the Democratic Party only comes up with puny "yes, buts" - refusing to provide any real opposition.
We must act now! November 2nd will be the beginning of the end of this regime! Drop what you are doing and make this a day when history begins to turn. DO THIS RIGHT NOW: - Donate! Individuals, give $50 - $500. Businesses, churches, clubs: $500. This will further our national ad campaign to reach millions of others like you, ready to move from stunned anguish to organized resistance to change the course of history.
- Email this to 10-20 friends and co-workers right now, asking them to contribute.
Join us in daring to do the unprecedented - the world truly cannot wait! Sincerely, Sunsara Taylor & Debra Sweet DONATE NOW. GIVE ALL YOU CAN. Checks payable to World Can't Wait. Send to address below, or give online. |
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