Friday, September 30, 2005

Fw: Polling on Impeachment

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2005 11:15 AM
Subject: Polling on Impeachment

AfterDowningStreet has launched a new initiative at

The purpose is to collect donations and use them to pay mainstream respected pollsters to include in their public opinion surveys questions about impeaching President Bush and related matters.

Please help spread the word by linking to the page with this image:

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Please include the following announcement or something like it in an Email to your members:


Does the public favor an investigation into grounds for impeachment of President Bush? Does a majority of the public want impeachment right away? What are the most popular reasons for wanting Bush impeached? What does the public think about various other proposals to hold accountable the architects of this war?

We have no way of knowing, because the pollsters aren't asking. One pollster did ask about impeachment in June. A Zogby poll from June 30, 2005, found that a remarkable 42 percent of Americans favored impeachment if Bush lied about the reasons for the war. Various polls have found that a majority of Americans believe that Bush did so lie. That 42 percent is significantly higher than the percentage of the public that wanted Clinton impeached. But Zogby has not asked the question again, and no other pollster has asked it at all. 

The After Downing Street coalition has begun collecting donations to hire mainstream professional pollsters to ask the questions that need to be asked.

Learn more and contribute here:





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