provincialfoot writes:
I expected almost anything from the Bush Bastards and Bitches but getting sprayed with a bio weapon seemed too remote even for these monsters. I guess I seriously under estimated the cold bloodedness of these animals. On September 30th 2005 the Washington Post reported : "Biohazard Sensors Triggered""Health authorities in the Washington area were notified yesterday that the bacteria found in and near the area between the U.S Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial where crowds gathered Saturday for an anti war rally and a book festival.".... " We pretty much feel there is not a public health threat here, said Von Roebuck, a spokesman for the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, noting that there have been no reports of Tularemia the disease that is caused by the bacteria . We just wanted to alert the medical community to watch out for cases.".... "The germ that causes tularemia is considered a biohazard because it is highly infectious and was tested in the 1960s by the United States as a biological weapon. The disease is treatable with antibiotics but, if left untreated , can be fatal.... " Public Health Director Gregg A. Pane said, "It was puzzling that the finding was from a day when the Mall was packed with people. Why that day? Thats what is not explained, It was just this 24 hour period and none since."
"The country has spent more than 200 million dollars to install the sensor system known as BioWatch in more than 30 U.S. cities. Samples from sensors are collected daily to check for pathogens such as those that cause anthrax,smallpox and plague. More than half a dozen sensors operating from 10am Saturday to 10am Sunday (9/24 and 9/25) at sites including the Lincoln Memorial, Fort McNair and Judiciary Square--- detected the bacteria.... Authorities recommend that people who visited the Mall between 10am Sept 24 and 10am Sept.25 should see a physician if they experience symptoms. Symptoms include fever, chills, headache, muscle ache, joint pain, dry cough and conjunctivitis , symptoms may take up to two weeks to appear."
Well I did my part, I told everyone I know by email and phone call, everyone who was with me. I went to D.C on bus with 56 people all who were in the D.C march. All who have been exposed to this biohazard. I did my part marching around D.C filming the thousands of brave Americans who were cursing Bush every step of their march around the Whitehouse. Every revolution needs a martyr. We now have 300,000 martyrs exposed to a bio terror weapon by their own government. How many will die or become seriously ill from their exposure no one can tell. The 300,000 protesters are now dispursed and back home somewhere in the U.S possibly experiencing these symptoms, not knowing what has happened to them unless they read the Sept. 30 edition of the Washington Post and happen to see the article I have just quoted. No national television news network has mentioned this article. No alternative news media has mentioned this article as of this writing, other than legitgov.org which is where I got the article. I thank them highly for their alert coverage.
It is a travesty and criminal shame that the U.S. media is so corrupt and cowardly that it will not announce the most heineous crime ever commited in U.S history. But they completely ignored the 911 coverup as well and still ignore the obvious evidence that the Bush Bastards blew up the WTC and murdered 3000 innocent victims. If these monsters can do that , spraying a bio weapon on 300,000 war protesters and contaminating the population of the capitol city of the U.S and its several million residents, is well within the possible psychotic methods of the Bush Bastards and all of their contemptable co-horts.
I accept my fate and will be waiting it out to see if I develope any of the symptoms brought about by the tularemia bacteria. I was in the crowd and in the exposed area. It takes up to two weeks for the symptoms to occur. I have developed a dry cough since I got back but I haven't got a fever or chills. So far I feel somewhat normal. Since the symptoms seem cold like who knows how many victims think they are suffering from a cold or flu since they returned . It is diabolical. It is demonic, and it is all too clearly G.W Bush and Karl Rove etal. I chose to go to D.C on Sept 24th as did 300,000 others to protest the Iraq war. I suspected anything could happen if I went. I take all responsibilty for my actions, knowing full well that the Bush Bastards were capable of anything. I accept my fate what ever it is . But the teenagers and children who were at the protest did not expect nor could they have considered the embodiment of evil that their government is . They could never have believed that their leaders would deliberately expose all who oppose them to a bio weapon. If these children develop symptoms and are not treated they could die. This is treason and murder most foul. This is the highest and most wicked criminality. This is the Bush Administration and the contemptable, complient U.S. Congress. Any patriot living in this country will not allow this attack against the American people by their own government to go unanswered.
I ask my readers to know and understand that this has been done to 300,000 Americans and it will be done to many more unless G.W and his mineons are stopped. From now on we can only expect more of the same . More lies, more corruption, more murders, more chaos, more deliberate distruction of America and Americans by this evil. Stand up , there is little else you can do. But if you are going to be murdered on your own streets and in your homes by your government then at least know they are coming. BE READY. Know that they are capable of the worst that you can imagine. Know that what happened in Nazi Germany is nothing as to what is happening now in the United States. Know your murderers, let your children and grand children know their murderers before they die. If you as an American parent or grandparent do not stand up against this evil government then you are the murderers of your children and grand children. You are the murderers of the 300,000 in D.C and the 3000 in the WTC and the 100,000 civilians in Iraq, and the 2000 American soldiers.If you deny and ignore, as the national media has,the tyranny and murderous actions and insanity of G.W Bush and all those in his administraton and military and in the Congress then you deserve the fate that is inevitably yours. You deserve to be murdered in your beds by this government, stolen away from your families and imprisioned without reason and denied a trial, tortured and condemned to rot in prison. This is happening to American Citizens now not in the future but now! America under the current regime is the new fascist state. Americans are the new jews, gypsies, etc. American Blacks are the latest target for ethnic cleansing by the Bush regime. New Orlean's levies were destroyed by explosions. This is known. Destroyed to wipe out the 9th ward and over 50 percent of New Orlean's population, of which 67 percent were Black. Wake up World! Wake Up America your not safe. Your next and your time is coming soon. Playing the voting game in 2006 won't do anything. Voting into office a spineless corrupt, Democrat is as useless as voting for a corrupt Republican. The answer is obvious, the end is obvious, the solution is obvious, only the will and courage to make the changes are still hidden in the American people. But they must become obvious to all to stop the madness that America has become. Help end the Bush regime now before it brings about the end of America and the world. Denial is our greatest enemy. Bush is merely a drunken dictator and his henchmen are coldblooded killers but, the American people will be less than these , if they continue to allow themselves to be ruled by this completely corrupt and broken government.
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