Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Katrina and Karma by Carol Wolman

Katrina and Karma by Carol Wolman

The scariest thing about Katrina is not the destruction in its wake, not the utter failure of the rescue operation, not the racism, callousness, ineptitude exposed, not even the darker rumors swirling that some of it was deliberate, for arcane reasons known only to the lords of darkness.

No, the scariest thing is- that this hurricane is a symptom of global warming, which is only getting worse.  It is yet early in the hurricane season, what other horrors with this year bring?  And what about next year and 5 years from now?

The law of karma, of action and reaction, roughly translates as "You will reap what you sow."   We humans are sowing the seeds of disaster with every day that passes without action to stop and reverse global warming.

Global warming is getting worse because the world is presently run by the corporate beast, (Halliburton got the first rebuilding contract in NO) which has no soul, and cares nothing for human welfare or future generations.  Corporations care only about short-term profit.  As long as they control governments, as they now control the US and Britain, global warming will accelerate.  Ice caps will melt, ocean levels will rise, lowlying areas will be flooded more frequently, and storms will be more intense.

Don't we deserve this?  We are greedy selfish creatures, and have sold our souls for an SUV.  The law of karma, as well as the God of justice, dictates that we should suffer for our sins- "we" meaning collective humanity, and all the unfortunate creatures over which we have dominion.

The "Christian" right would have us believe that our sins consist of sometimes loving people of our own sex, of including abortion in our family planning toolbox, and of using mind-expanding drugs like marijuana and LSD.  None of these are condemned in the Bible.

Our true sin is the worship of mammon instead of God.  Our true sin in ignoring the law of karma.  Our true sin is our complicity with the corporate beast- its jobs, its consumer products, its promises of security and a sense of belonging. 

America runs on money, and the godly virtues of truth, justice, loving one's neighbor, have been sadly neglected. 

Evidently somewhere between 20% and 50% of Americans believe the thesis of the "Left Behind" series, that God has condemned this world and means to destroy life on earth, replacing it somehow with something else.  The rapture cult is very convenient, allowing its believers to enjoy the good things of this world and ignore the biblical virtues. They believe that as long as they say the right words and vote for Bush, they will be saved from the fire which will consume this world, and be beamed up with Jesus.

They are mistaken.

John 3: 17  For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world,
but that the world might be saved through him.
How can Jesus save the world, when He is claimed by those who are refusing to deal with global warming?   People who are pushing pre-emptive nuclear war, and who seem bent on fulfilling the "Left Behind" scenario?  How can Jesus save the world when a president who clearly works for the corporations rather than for the people professes to be following Him?
Jesus warned us repeatedly about false prophets and pious hypocritical Pharisees.  He told us to judge the tree by its fruit, not by lying words.
Jesus epitomizes love and truth.   He had no illusions, but insisted on the truth, as we must, even if we suffer for it. 
Katrina is bringing out the best in the American people- our caring, our generosity, our willingness to put aside our everyday lives to care for those in dire need, our love for our neighbor without waiting for the government.   
Katrina is also bringing out a thirst for truth, a demand for an explanation as to why all the money spent on homeland security was so badly wasted, why the levees were neglected, why FEMA blocked rescue efforts by the Red Cross, the Army and lots of other volunteers, why the president did nothing for a couple of days.
The lesson of Katrina is that we must recognize and respect the law of karma.  It is waking people up to realize that we must love each other and care for one another.  All major religions teach this.  We humans must put aside our differences and work together.  Only then we can overthrow the corporate beast and, even at this late date, gain some control over global warming and the other evils that threaten to destroy life.
God gives us a choice:
Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.
Let us get rid of the politicians who work for the corporations instead of for the people, and choose life, for ourselves and our seed.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman


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