GOP candidate calls for impeachment
Matthew 13: 45Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: 46Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.
Impeachment trumps all other issues. Bring down Bush and the whole power structure will unravel. As Dennis Morrisseau, Republican candidate for House seat in Vermont, demonstrates, impeachment is not about political party, it is about getting rid of criminals in the White House.
We need to run impeachment candidates in every district in 2006, of whatever party. They will elect a suitable speaker of the House, probably a Democrat, who will assume the presidency when Bush and Cheney are forced out.
Meanwhile, let's continue to build grassroots support of impeachment. Print out the letter to Rep. John Conyers, asking him to pursue formal impeachment, at , collect signatures and fax the letter to Conyers' office at the number given. Give copies of the letter to others so that they can do the same. Let's build momentum for impeachment that is irresistable.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
Message: 6
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 13:25:12 EDT
Subject: GOP Candidate Running Campaign Empahsizing Impeachment of Bush
Good news. Probably not just for Democrats but for a lot of Republicans as
well. Makes me think it might be a good idea to move to Vernmont. Besides,
it's closer to Canada, should it come time to flee the brownshirts . . . .
"I don't think we're going to get much done in the way of standard politics
until we clean this neo-con nest out."
Steven McCabe wrote:
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 08:09:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Steven McCabe <>
Subject: This is the only Republican I'd ever vote for, I'd work my --- off
for him
To: H Clinton <>
Subject: [Dean2008] GOP candidate calls for Bush impeachment Would write
art. of Impeachment
Rutland County
GOP candidate calls for impeachment
July 21, 2005
By Gordon Dritschilo Herald Staff
A Congressional candidate who wants to impeach President Bush insists he can
win the Republican primary.
Dennis Morrisseau, 62, of West Pawlet, plans to seek the Republican
nomination to run for U.S. House of Representatives. The seat is being
vacated by Rep. Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., who plans a run for the U.S. Senate.
A central part of his platform, Morrisseau said, will be bringing articles
of impeachment against Bush.
He will most likely face Maj. Gen. Martha Rainville, adjutant general of the
Vermont National Guard, in the September 2006 primary, along with any other
candidates who might get themselves placed on the ballot between now and
Morrisseau said he considers himself more of a Republican than the
president, and he thinks a lot of Vermont Republicans agree with him.
"This leadership isn't very Republican and I don't think it's very popular
with Vermont Republicans," he said. "Republicans in this state tend to be
mind-your-own-business people, keep taxes low and government small."
Morrisseau held up former Gov. Deane Davis as an example of a Vermont
"Davis was the best environmentalist we had in this state," he said. "That's
Republicanism in Vermont. We like small businesses. We're afraid of
outsiders and large businesses. That's what I'm about."
While 38.8 percent of Vermonters - and likely the lion's share of Vermont
Republicans - voted for Bush, Morrisseau said he thinks there is enough anti-Bush sentiment within Republican circles for his message to find an
"I think I've got a great shot," he said. "There's been movement since the
election, if you track the polls. That's not just Democrats, that's
Republicans, too. Down in southern Vermont, the man is reviled among
Morrisseau was dismissive of the party leadership in Vermont.
"The Republican leadership is Bush people for the most part," he said.
"Genera lly speaking, I don't pay much attention to party leadership. I
recommend that. I recommend it highly."
Morrisseau said he imagines there is a lot of soul-searching going on among
the Republicans who continue to support Bush.
"If you're an old and decent Republican and politics takes a 180 in your
country, it sometimes takes a while to tell what you ought to do. It took me
a while. I've been at this for years."
Morrisseau said he spends six or seven hours a day studying current affairs,
reading newspapers, magazines and Web sites from varying places on the
political spectrum.
Born in St. Johnsbury and growing up in Burlington, Morrisseau began his
political life as a Democrat. He first gained media attention in 1968 when,
as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, he was threatened with
court-martial for attending an anti-war demonstration in uniform.
He returned to Vermont after getting out of the Army and made his first run
for Congress as a De mocrat in 1970. He failed to get the party's
"The then-leadership of the Democratic Party wished only to promote Phil
Hoff," he said. "They did us wrong. Being a young man and impulsive, I and a
few others formed the Liberty Union Party to their left."
In 1971, the death of Sen. Winston Prouty led to a special election in
Congress as Rep. Robert Stafford stepped up to take the Senate seat, and
Morrisseau ran again.
"This time, I ran as a Democrat only because Liberty Union had been taken
over by hard-left people," he said. "I wasn't comfortable with that - I
never was a hard-left person."
Again, Morrisseau lost in the primary.
"I didn't run in '72," he said. "I was a McGovern delegate at the Democratic
National Convention, though I was really a McCarthy supporter. In 1974, I
ran a third time and got my butt handed to me. I got out of politics."
Morrisseau opened three restaurants in Burlington, including Leunig's Bistro
on Churc h Street. It was during this time, he said, his political
transformation occurred.
"I realized what a lot of my left-wing friends thought about business, what
it was and how it works, was wrong," he said. "I became a Republican."
While he has not been nearly as politically active as he was as a liberal,
Morrisseau defended his Republican credentials.
"I voted for Reagan, way back there," he said. "I liked Jerry Ford, but I
think I voted for Carter. I voted for Bush in 2000. In 2004, I held my nose
and voted for Kerry."
With the close study he has made of current events since his retirement,
Morrisseau said he felt it was time to step up to the plate once again.
"The only time I got seriously active was LBJ, Nixon and that war," he said.
"Now, we have that situation again with a government running amok."
Morrisseau said he sees an administration flagrantly abusing the powers of
the executive branch and a national party leadership gainin g dominance over
the entire government.
"I'm a Republican," he said. "I'm not a Brown Shirt. I've never, in any
contemplation of U.S. history, seen anything like that asserted at any time.
I don't think we're going to get much done in the way of standard politics
until we clean this neo-con nest out."
While he expects many people will join his crusade, Morrisseau said he does
not yet have an organization. In terms of fund-raising, he said he is taking
his cue from Howard Dean's presidential campaign.
"I'm not going to try to keep up with the flows of money that'll be coming
into this state, but I'm not going to get left far behind," he said. "We're
not going out to fat cats, hat in hand, no way. Grassroots is the way to
Contact Gordon Dritschilo at"We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident..."July 4, 1776...that
all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creatorwith certain
unalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty and thepursuit of
Happiness.......That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these
ends, itis the Right of the People to alter or to abolish
it...JulieannaYogaYouAreTheLight!Support Kucinich's Department of PeaceMarch against the War Sept. 24:
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 13:25:12 EDT
Subject: GOP Candidate Running Campaign Empahsizing Impeachment of Bush
Good news. Probably not just for Democrats but for a lot of Republicans as
well. Makes me think it might be a good idea to move to Vernmont. Besides,
it's closer to Canada, should it come time to flee the brownshirts . . . .
"I don't think we're going to get much done in the way of standard politics
until we clean this neo-con nest out."
Steven McCabe wrote:
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 08:09:27 -0700 (PDT)
From: Steven McCabe <>
Subject: This is the only Republican I'd ever vote for, I'd work my --- off
for him
To: H Clinton <>
Subject: [Dean2008] GOP candidate calls for Bush impeachment Would write
art. of Impeachment
Rutland County
GOP candidate calls for impeachment
July 21, 2005
By Gordon Dritschilo Herald Staff
A Congressional candidate who wants to impeach President Bush insists he can
win the Republican primary.
Dennis Morrisseau, 62, of West Pawlet, plans to seek the Republican
nomination to run for U.S. House of Representatives. The seat is being
vacated by Rep. Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., who plans a run for the U.S. Senate.
A central part of his platform, Morrisseau said, will be bringing articles
of impeachment against Bush.
He will most likely face Maj. Gen. Martha Rainville, adjutant general of the
Vermont National Guard, in the September 2006 primary, along with any other
candidates who might get themselves placed on the ballot between now and
Morrisseau said he considers himself more of a Republican than the
president, and he thinks a lot of Vermont Republicans agree with him.
"This leadership isn't very Republican and I don't think it's very popular
with Vermont Republicans," he said. "Republicans in this state tend to be
mind-your-own-business people, keep taxes low and government small."
Morrisseau held up former Gov. Deane Davis as an example of a Vermont
"Davis was the best environmentalist we had in this state," he said. "That's
Republicanism in Vermont. We like small businesses. We're afraid of
outsiders and large businesses. That's what I'm about."
While 38.8 percent of Vermonters - and likely the lion's share of Vermont
Republicans - voted for Bush, Morrisseau said he thinks there is enough anti-Bush sentiment within Republican circles for his message to find an
"I think I've got a great shot," he said. "There's been movement since the
election, if you track the polls. That's not just Democrats, that's
Republicans, too. Down in southern Vermont, the man is reviled among
Morrisseau was dismissive of the party leadership in Vermont.
"The Republican leadership is Bush people for the most part," he said.
"Genera lly speaking, I don't pay much attention to party leadership. I
recommend that. I recommend it highly."
Morrisseau said he imagines there is a lot of soul-searching going on among
the Republicans who continue to support Bush.
"If you're an old and decent Republican and politics takes a 180 in your
country, it sometimes takes a while to tell what you ought to do. It took me
a while. I've been at this for years."
Morrisseau said he spends six or seven hours a day studying current affairs,
reading newspapers, magazines and Web sites from varying places on the
political spectrum.
Born in St. Johnsbury and growing up in Burlington, Morrisseau began his
political life as a Democrat. He first gained media attention in 1968 when,
as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, he was threatened with
court-martial for attending an anti-war demonstration in uniform.
He returned to Vermont after getting out of the Army and made his first run
for Congress as a De mocrat in 1970. He failed to get the party's
"The then-leadership of the Democratic Party wished only to promote Phil
Hoff," he said. "They did us wrong. Being a young man and impulsive, I and a
few others formed the Liberty Union Party to their left."
In 1971, the death of Sen. Winston Prouty led to a special election in
Congress as Rep. Robert Stafford stepped up to take the Senate seat, and
Morrisseau ran again.
"This time, I ran as a Democrat only because Liberty Union had been taken
over by hard-left people," he said. "I wasn't comfortable with that - I
never was a hard-left person."
Again, Morrisseau lost in the primary.
"I didn't run in '72," he said. "I was a McGovern delegate at the Democratic
National Convention, though I was really a McCarthy supporter. In 1974, I
ran a third time and got my butt handed to me. I got out of politics."
Morrisseau opened three restaurants in Burlington, including Leunig's Bistro
on Churc h Street. It was during this time, he said, his political
transformation occurred.
"I realized what a lot of my left-wing friends thought about business, what
it was and how it works, was wrong," he said. "I became a Republican."
While he has not been nearly as politically active as he was as a liberal,
Morrisseau defended his Republican credentials.
"I voted for Reagan, way back there," he said. "I liked Jerry Ford, but I
think I voted for Carter. I voted for Bush in 2000. In 2004, I held my nose
and voted for Kerry."
With the close study he has made of current events since his retirement,
Morrisseau said he felt it was time to step up to the plate once again.
"The only time I got seriously active was LBJ, Nixon and that war," he said.
"Now, we have that situation again with a government running amok."
Morrisseau said he sees an administration flagrantly abusing the powers of
the executive branch and a national party leadership gainin g dominance over
the entire government.
"I'm a Republican," he said. "I'm not a Brown Shirt. I've never, in any
contemplation of U.S. history, seen anything like that asserted at any time.
I don't think we're going to get much done in the way of standard politics
until we clean this neo-con nest out."
While he expects many people will join his crusade, Morrisseau said he does
not yet have an organization. In terms of fund-raising, he said he is taking
his cue from Howard Dean's presidential campaign.
"I'm not going to try to keep up with the flows of money that'll be coming
into this state, but I'm not going to get left far behind," he said. "We're
not going out to fat cats, hat in hand, no way. Grassroots is the way to
Contact Gordon Dritschilo at"We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident..."July 4, 1776...that
all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creatorwith certain
unalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty and thepursuit of
Happiness.......That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these
ends, itis the Right of the People to alter or to abolish
it...JulieannaYogaYouAreTheLight!Support Kucinich's Department of PeaceMarch against the War Sept. 24:
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