Thursday, July 21, 2005

Fw: Rep. Lee Introduces Resolution of Inquiry into Iraq War Planning

   Psalm 19:  9The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.
Thankfully, there are still some God-fearing Congresspeople, who believe that there is such a thing as truth and justice, and who are doing their duty- serving the people instead of kowtowing to the corporations and their minions in the White House. 
Check out the third anniversary Downing Street Memo forum nearest you at  I'll be hearing Barbara Lee speak at the Oakland CA event, at the Grand Lake theater Saturday morning at 11. 
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman
----- Original Message -----

Rep. Lee Introduces Resolution of Inquiry into Iraq War Planning


Congresswoman Barbara Lee (Dem., Calif.) today introduced - along with 26 co-sponsors - a Resolution of Inquiry in the House of Representatives which, if passed, will require the White House and the State Department to "transmit all information relating to communication with officials of the United Kingdom between January 1, 2002, and October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq."

Here is a PDF.

Here are original co-sponsors:
Rep. John Conyers
Rep. Tammy Baldwin
Rep. William Lacy Clay
Rep. Danny Davis
Rep. William Delahunt
Rep. Lane Evans
Rep. Sam Farr
Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva
Rep. Luis Gutierrez
Rep. Maurice D. Hinchey
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee
Rep. Dennis Kucinich
Rep. Carolyn C. Kilpatrick
Rep. Jim McDermott
Rep. Jim Oberstar
Rep. Major R. Owens
Rep. Frank Pallone Jr.
Rep. Don Payne
Rep. Charles Rangel
Rep. Jan Schakowsky
Rep. José E. Serrano
Rep. Pete Stark
Rep. Bennie Thompson
Rep. Diane Watson
Rep. Robert Wexler
Rep. Lynn Woolsey

Here's Text:


Requesting the President and directing the Secretary of State to transmit to the House of Representatives not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution all information in the possession of the President and the Secretary of State relating to communication
with officials of the United Kingdom between January 1, 2002, and October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq.


Ms. LEE submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the
Committee on _________________


Requesting the President and directing the Secretary of State to transmit to the House of Representatives not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution all information in the possession of the President and the Secretary of State relating to communication
with officials of the United Kingdom between January 1, 2002, and October 16, 2002, relating to the
policy of the United States with respect to Iraq.

Resolved, That not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution—

(1) the President is requested to transmit to the House of Representatives all documents, including telephone and electronic mail records, logs, calendars, minutes, and memos, in the possession of the President relating to communications with officials of the United Kingdom from January 1, 2002, to October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq, including any discussions or communications between the President or other Administration officials and officials of the United Kingdom that occurred before the meeting on July 23, 2002, at 10 Downing Street in London, England, between Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, United Kingdom intelligence officer Richard Dearlove, and other national security officials of the Blair Administration; and

(2) the Secretary of State is directed to transmit to the House of Representatives all documents, including telephone and electronic mail records, logs, calendars, minutes, memos, and records of internal discussions, in the possession of the Secretary relating to communications with officials of the United Kingdom from January 1, 2002, to October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq, including any discussions or communications between the Secretary of State or other officials of the Department of State and officials of the United Kingdom that occurred before the meeting on July 23, 2002, at 10 Downing Street in London, England, between Prime Minister Tony Blair of the United Kingdom, United Kingdom intelligence officer Richard Dearlove, and other national security officials of the Blair Administration.


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