Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Prince of Peace Wants YOU! by Carol Wolman

The Prince of Peace Wants YOU!    by Carol Wolman

The warmongers in the White House and on Downing Street will lead us into a nuclear war, unless we stop them, NOW.  We have the opening for impeachment.  Let us not be distracted by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's sudden resignation and the furor over judges. 
We the People have to take back our country from the corporate beast, the fascist dragon, and the pious politicians.  These servants of satan would have us believe that God, the God of life, means to destroy His creation, and that this same God, the God of truth and justice, looks the other way as they plunder and pillage their way toward nuclear holocaust.
They lie.  God tells us that His kingdom will be here on earth, ruled by the Prince of Peace. 
Isaiah 2: 4.    4And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
The holy name of Jesus has been stolen by the warmongers, and is being misused to deceive the sheep, and keep them supporting the war machine.  It is also being misused to stir up hatred against the followers of the prophet Muhammed, even though Muslims acknowledge Jesus.
We have been given the opportunity to stop this insanity by peaceful means.  The Prince of Peace was surely guiding our Founding Fathers when they wrote the impeachment clause into the US Constitution.
The time is ripe for an impeachment movement.  The Downing Street memos, proving that Bush and Cheney knowingly lied about WMD's in Iraq, and deliberately misled the Congress and the people in order to WAGE WAR, provide ample grounds for impeachment. 
The outing of an undercover CIA agent, Valerie Plame, by top officials in the White House, people like Karl Rove and "Scooter" Libby, is a felony, and a grave danger to national security, to the point of treason.  Their bosses, Bush and Cheney, are responsible and should be impeached, convicted, and then put on trial for treason as ordinary citizens.
The momentum for impeachment must come from We the People.  The Democratic party is too corrupt to take it on without a strong people's movement.  If you want peace for your planet, your children, future generations, start working for impeachment.  The Prince of Peace works through each of us.  This link will take you to a printable version of the letter to Rep. John Conyers, urging him to pursue an investigation into impeachable offenses.  It has 15 signature lines, and a FAX number at the top which will send it to Conyers' office.  Conyers will do what needs to be done when he has enough public support.  He already has gotten about 150 Congresspeople to help lay the groundwork.
I field tested this one page petition on July 4th, and found that it got people thinking, talking, and committing themselves to impeachment.  I collected several hundred signatures and gave away a couple of hundred sheets to people who volunteered to do the same thing I am doing.
You must know 15 people who want to see Bush and Cheney impeached.  This document will enable you to work for peaceful change for our country and our planet, with very little trouble or risk.  You can easily recruit others to work for impeachment.
If we all work together, we can spread God's spirit of truth and justice in the US, and take back our country.   Then we will change the laws so that they help the people rather than the corporations.   We will start a Department of Peace, and gradually defund the war machine.  We will dismantle the Patriot Act, and reclaim our freedom. 
The best way to deal with the terrorist threat is to stop terrorizing other countries.  We can win back the love and respect of other nations toward the US, if we will only clean our own house and put our corrupt politicians on trial. 
It's time for a big change.  We need peace on earth, now.
Matthew 10: 7And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman


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