Friday, June 03, 2005

Support Rep. Conyers- Impeach Bush by Carol Wolman

1 John 4: 16 God is love.
Dear Friends,
Congressman John Conyers (Dem- MI), loves his country.  He loves the Constitution which he promised to uphold when he swore his oath of office.  He loves the constituents whom he represents.
John Conyers, from his position as ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, is laying the groundwork for impeaching George. W. Bush.  To begin with, Conyers has sent a letter to Bush demanding an explanation for the Downing Street Memo, which strongly implies an impeachable offense.  The letter has, so far, collected 94 signatures in the House and 88,000 from the citizenry.   The number of signatures in both venues is snowballing.  You can sign at
John Conyers was a close associate of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and was instrumental in making MLK's birthday a national holiday, so that MLK's cry for peace and justice would be remembered at least once a year.  John Conyers is the second most senior person in the House, and founder and dean of the Congressional Black Caucus.  As a long-term member of the House Judiciary Committee, he has been through two previous impeachment proceedings, against Nixon and Clinton, so knows the ropes.  He is the ideal man for the job. 
Committees and coalitions to impeach Bush are forming rapidly.  One such, at
is getting 1 million hits/day.  You can join the online effort there, and learn how to mobilize your community.
God blessed us with a Constitution that provides a peaceful means of getting rid of high officials who commit high crimes and misdemeanors,-  impeachment.  It is a legal process, by which the House of Representatives, acting as Attorney for the People, brings formal charges against the official.  In order to remain in office, the impeached official must plead his case before the Senate, which, acting as judge, must refuse to convict him.
In 1974, Rep. John Conyers participated in impeachment hearings against NIxon over Watergate.  Nixon resigned rather than face formal charges.  Clinton was actually impeached for lying about Lewinski, but the Senate refused to find him guilty and he served out his term.
Now Conyers is laying the groundwork to bring charges against Bush and others for lying to Congress and the American people about WMD's in Iraq, in order to get backing for an illegal invasion of that hapless country.  This is a much more serious charge than the one against Clinton, and deserves serious consideration. 
If there is any justice left in this country, Bush should be impeached, removed from office, and then face charges for his crimes like any other citizen.  Same goes for Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, and others.
Common wisdom says that this cannot happen right now because of the Republican-dominated House and Senate.  But the House leadership is in disarry- DeLay is hanging on by his fingernails.  Frist in the Senate just suffered a serious setback by failing to stop the filibuster.  The Democrats are ready for bear, and many Republicans are disgusted. 
Impeaching Bush et al transcends party lines.  The country has been taken over by pirates and needs to be reclaimed.
Our Constitution opens:  We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice,...  
Justice demands that criminals be impeached.  The ultimate authority in this country rests with "we the people".  The Congresspeople and executives represent us.  We pay their salaries.  If officials are hurting us, lying to us in order to wage their imperial corporate wars, let's get rid of them.  We have the motive, the mechanism, and the opportunity.
We Americans must be greatly loved by God, to have a Constitution which gives us such authority.  He must love us to place a man like John Conyers in such a crucial position at this time. 
Let us seize the moment- smoking gun, House and Senate GOP leadership in disarry, general discontent among the people about a failing economy and an unjust war.  Let us seize the moment and support Rep. John Conyers, who is probably at great personal risk for taking a leadership role in the drive for impeachment.  Keep him in your prayers.
In the name of God who loves us,
Carol Wolman


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