Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Impeachment is imperative by Carol Wolman

(Please disseminate widely)
Impeachment is imperative

by Carol Wolman

Bush's reckless use of illegal radioactive weaponry has spread mutagenic dust around the globe.  Bush is systematically gutting the international peace`treaties that have prevented nuclear holocaust for the past 60 years, and is seeking to develop and use "small" thermonuclear weapons. 

Bush is leading us on a path of death, that could lead to extinction of life on earth.  Impeachment is imperative.

Now is the time.  We have the smoking gun needed to impeach Bush, in the form of the Downing Street memo. 
This secret British memo of early 2002 proves that intelligence had to be cooked in order to justify the plan to invade Iraq, since there was, in reality, no justification. 
The ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, John Conyers, has already taken the first step on the road to impeachment.  Mr. Conyers sent a letter to the pResident a couple of weeks ago demanding an explanation for the "smoking gun" memo.   Conyer's letter was cosigned by 88 Congresspeople.
The next step is a motion to impeach Mr. Bush, which would be introduced into the Judiciary Committee.
An impeachment motion has been sitting on Mr. Conyer's desk for years.  He needs a grassroots movement to propel it into the Committee for action.
Mr. Conyers is seeking a million signatures from US citizens.  Please join this effort at 
You can join the citizens' coalition working for impeachment at
God is giving us an opportunity to get a real impeachment movement going.  It is our chance to save ourselves and our children from nuclear holocaust.  It may be our last chance. 
If you love life, if you love your children, if you love your neighbors, please ACT NOW.  These are online activities, you can do them right now, as you read your email. 
We have the means, the motive and the opportunity to impeach George W. Bush.  If the will of the people is strong enough, we can override the corrupt politicians and save life on earth.  God is on OUR side, not on the side of the rulers, no matter how pious they appear.
Mark 12:27He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err. 
In the name of the Prince of Peace, 
who gave His life to save the world (John 3:17),
   Carol Wolman


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