Fw: Road to impeachment- update from citizens' coalition
----- Original Message -----
From: David Swanson
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 2:13 AM
Subject: [Afterdowningstreet] Conyers to Bush: 86,000 Signatures and Counting
86,000 Signatures and Counting
By Congressman John Conyers
Late last week Congressman Conyers asked for 100,000 signatures on a letter to President Bush, and said he would deliver it personally to the President. As of Thursday afternoon, he had collected 86,000 signatures. Let's make sure we put it over the 100,000 mark today! Sent this to all of your friends.
Sign the Letter: http://www.johnconyers.com
Backbone Campaign Demands Resolution of Inquiry
The Backbone Campaign writes:
Please join us in sending Spine postcards to your Senators and members of Congress to let them know they should join the Inquiry into the Downing Street Minutes/Memo. You can click here to download a pdf file that can be printed on cardstock or other paper and sent to you members of Congress. This version of the pdf file refers directly to the Downing Street Minutes/Memo issue.
Please join us in sending Spine postcards to your Senators and members of Congress to let them know they should join the Inquiry into the Downing Street Minutes/Memo. You can click here to download a pdf file that can be printed on cardstock or other paper and sent to you members of Congress. This version of the pdf file refers directly to the Downing Street Minutes/Memo issue.
If I Want to Ask Bush or Cheney About the DSMinutes, Where Will I Find Them?
Those inclined to organize peaceful nonviolent demonstrations aimed at asking Bush or members of his administration about the Downing Street Minutes may benefit from this schedule of upcoming appearances.
A Poster to Take With You:
Teach-In is Today
Former C.I.A. Analyst Ray McGovern and Attorney John Bonifaz Will Headline Progressive DemocratsÂ’ Panel Discussion In Washington, D.C. on Friday, June 3
Website Getting 1 Million Hits Per Day
The www.AfterDowningStreet.org website has become extremely popular, and now receives a little over 1 million hits per day. Alfredo Lopez, whose www.people-link.org hosts the AfterDowningStreet.org site said, "I'm elated. This is what we're on Earth to do, but we've never had a site get a million hits in a day before."
What Does Your Brother In Law Think of the Downing Street Minutes?
If you speak face-to-face or by phone or Email with your family members, neighbors, and friends, we would love to hear what they think of the Downing Street Minutes, especially if you convince someone that a congressional investigation is needed. How did you persuade them? What did they start out thinking? What did they learn from you? What did you learn from them? Please open this article and post Comments at the bottom.
In Solidarity,
David Swanson
Afterdowningstreet mailing list
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