Saturday, May 14, 2005

Renewing the Earth by Carol Wolman

Renewing the Earth by Carol Wolman

Psalm 104: 30Thou sendest forth Thy spirit, they are created: and Thou renewest the face of the earth.

The biosphere as we know it will die if things continue as they are going.   Species are disappearing, the atmosphere is warming rapidly, the ice caps are melting.  Radioactive dust is being spread across the globe; it will accumulate in the gene pool of every species, causing high rates of mutation, miscarriages, cancer.  The danger of thermonuclear holocaust is increasing, with the Bush administration straining at the leash to produce and use mininukes, nuclear bunker busters, and worse.  The Bolton appointment as UN ambassador is meant to destroy the UN and the NonProliferation Treaty.

How can the earth be renewed?  As the psalmist makes clear, this is a matter of spirit, the sort of spirit that Barbara Boxer is showing as she puts a hold on the appointment of Bolton. 

The rapture copout artists,- who call themselves "Dispensationalists", because they claim that by saying the magic words, they will escape the great tribulation that will destroy the rest of us,- the rapture cultists would have us believe that the spirit of the Creator is for death rather than for life.  The cowardly among us watch the approaching horrors and look for escape rather than for solutions. 

Those of us with faith in the goodness of our Creator come up with solutions- how to stop adding to global warming, how to abolish nuclear weapons, how to limit population growth without too much suffering.  The people who still have faith to work for the future, still have love for their children, and still are willing to sacrifice for the greater good, the nonviolent peacemakers, are the true followers of Jesus, no matter who says what. 

Look at the fruits!

In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman


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