Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Path of Life by Carol Wolman

The Path of Life by Carol Wolman

Psalm 16:  11Thou wilt shew me the path of life.
The radical religious right claims that the Bible shows us the path of death.  According to the "Left Behind" series, human life on planet earth is doomed.  Those who believe in Jesus will be "called away" to "a new heaven and a new earth", while the rest of humanity will be consumed in a lake of fire.
The spiritual progressives largely ignore this interpretation of prophecy, even though the series claims 70 million readers, and one of its authors, Tim LaHaye, is a close advisor to Bush.  The rapture cult is ignored, even though its stooges in Congress consistently vote against environmental safeguards, partly because their constituents believe that destruction of the ecological systems will hasten the second coming of Jesus. (Of course, their corporate donors profit mightily from the loosening of regulations.)
This is not at all what the Bible says.  The Bible shows us the path of life, which is love, and truth, and wisdom, and peace.  God tells us to choose life, for ourselves and our children.
   Deut 30: 19I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.
The hard core rapture enthusiasts will not accept this alternative interpretation of the Bible,- it is too upsetting to their world view, which makes them special, and better than others.  But the vast majority of American Christians, who are very disturbed by the rapture cult but have no good substitute, will welcome passages from the Bible that give them hope.
Our Creator loves us, and endowed us with the intelligence to solve the present conundrums, and the ability to love one another enough to cooperate.  We also have been cursed with a few predators, who have perverted the Bible's teachings to suit their own rapacious ends. 
Let's reclaim the Bible, its wisdom and message of hope.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman


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