The Inner Child by Carol Wolman
The Inner Child by Carol Wolman
Mark 10:15Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.
Little children usually believe in God. They are wide open to love, goodness, miracles. We adults are psychically numb. We have lost much of our ability to respond to the world around us. We are cynical and don't believe in God, the future, or ourselves. This is why we Americans have allowed satanic forces to take over our government and our world.
Children believe that anything is possible, if you want it enough. How much do we want to survive? How much do we want to prove the rapture cultists wrong and take charge of our planet and of our destiny? Do we want survival enough to put aside our cynicism and believe that there is a God, a God who made us and who loves us and who wants us to choose life?
Do we want our species to continue on this good green earth for many generations to come? If so, we need supernatural help. Like alcoholics, we must admit that our lives are out of control and we need help from our higher power.
We need to love ourselves, and forgive ourselves for the incredible mess we have made. We need to believe in ourselves- in our common sense, our ingenuity and wisdom, and above all, our ability to cooperate. Swords must turn into plowshares, the captains and kings must be overthrown and the meek must inherit the earth.
We need to follow the example of the Prince of Peace, and be willing to sacrifice our very lives, if need be, for the good of all. Then, perhaps, we can see that God's will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
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