Suggestions for the peace movement by Carol Wolman
Dear Friends,
We need to rebuild the peace movement. It was co-opted by the Democratic party. Many peace activists ended up reluctantly supporting John Kerry, even though he advocated the invasion of Iraq and the destruction of Fallujah. All the signs were in place that the voting machines were rigged, yet Kerry did nothing to challenge the election results. He would not even stand next to John Conyers and Barbara Boxer to question the certification in Congress of the Ohio electors.
I don't mean to re-invent the wheel- this is just a reminder, and some links to resources. In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
1) We must withdraw our energy from the Democratic party, which betrayed us, and start our own political organizing on a local level, getting peace candidates on the city council, the county board of supervisors, the state assembly.
2) Work with others. Join your local peace group, or start one if none is active right now. It helps to have a physical center but it is not necessary.
3) Stay alert and educated about ongoing events. Watch the state of the union message with friends and discuss the warlike implications and how to counter them. is an excellent source of first-hand news about Iraq.
4) Print out or order "parking tickets" for SUV's and distribute them through your peace group. Go to for this.
5) Wear your politics. Wear a peace button, earrings, a t-shirt. It's a conversation starter and will attract attention on the street.
6) Identify your home and business as belonging to a peacemaker. Long's carries neon peace symbols you can put in your window. Or buy a peace flag. There are dozens of websites where you can order these items. You can also sell them through your peace group as a fund raiser.
7) Establish a presence locally. March in local parades, table at local events. You can get literature from California Peace Action, the La Rouche people- great glossy stuff- and many other websites- or create your own.
8) Look for local actions you can take- antirecruitment campaigns at your high school, antiwar resolutions by local govt. bodies, anticorporate personhood resolutions- lots of possibilities.
9) Keep the antiwar pressure on Congress, and keep writing letters to your local papers.
10) Join the impeach Bush movement.
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