Sunday, January 16, 2005

reflections 1-16-05

Looking back over the past couple of months, I have been very depressed since the November 2nd fraudulent election.  It's not surprising that the voting machines were rigged; we all know that was in the works.  What is very discouraging is Kerry's abdication of his responsibility to vigorously contest the election, and his shamelessness about it, which matches Bush's shamelessness about stealing another election.
Then there is the media blackout of the heroic efforts by Cobb, Nader, Conyers, and many others to demonstrate that the vote was indeed fraudulent.  All of it goes to show how deeply depraved this country has become, how willing to buy the prevailing lie, how uncaring about truth, freedom, dignity of voters, the democratic process. 
And the lack of outcry about Kerry from the liberal wing of the Democratic party!  Even William Rivers Pitt, one of my favorite journalists from, is trying to cover for him.
Then there's Iraq, the horrendous leveling of Fallujah, which has gotten very little attention from the media and even from the internet press.  It seems as if this country has totally lost its moral compass.
The tsunami, which I am now convinced was  natural, not man-made, showed the world how coldhearted Bush is, as if we didn't already know.  It has given Americans an opportunity to salve their consciences about the slaughter in Iraq by giving to the tsunami victims. 
Then there's the social security scam coming up, meant to impoverish the elderly and those saving for their old age.  And with a Republican-controlled Congress, what's to stop him?
Bush's cabinet shuffling bodes ill for the future.  He has purged the "reality-based" people who have some common sense, people like Scowcroft and Powell, and is appointing the worst fascists, people like Gonzales.  He has already passed Patriot Act II, giving him unlimited powers that we haven't even begun to comprehend.  Opposing his regime now takes real courage.
There are some positive developments.  The recount effort showed that there are some people with integrity, willing to take risks for the truth.  Bush's  programs are so outrageous that some of the moderate Republicans are starting to rebel. 
But these dark times will test us all.  Either we accept the moral depravity of this administration, or we protest, engage in civil disobedience, use all the nonviolent techniques we learned from Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Jesus.  I'm ready.
To do your will, O my God, is my delight,
And your law is within my heart!
Psalm 40: 9
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman


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