Thursday, January 20, 2005

Inauguration or coronation? by Cqrol Wolman

Bush continues to proclaim the rhetoric of freedom and democracy, and to claim that his foreign policy is based on the desire to spread these virtues.  Today he is the object of a ceremony that celebrates democracy- the swearing-in as duly elected president of a republic.
What's wrong with this picture?
First of all, although he has gone to great lengths to appear duly elected for this term, there was enough doubt about the honesty and legitimacy of the vote that 14 Representatives and several Senators officially questioned it.  When this took place in the Ukraine, recently, the US-backed loser demanded a full revote and got it.  In this country, publicity about a few recounts was squashed, and those who demanded it are now being sued by the Ohio Attorney General Blackwell.  There is ample evidence that voting machines were rigged all across the land.
I believe that in his heart, George W. Bush sees himself as the rightful ruler of kingdom America.  He is descended from British kings, and his daddy was president before him, so the hereditary factor is clearly there.
The checks and balances that constitutionally limit the power of the American presidency are about gone.  The Supreme Court showed itself to be a fiefdom of Bush in 2000, and it will become more so as liberal judges are replaced during the next four years.  Congress is now so heavily Republican as to serve as Bush's rubber stamp.  The press is his propaganda organ. 
Even before today's ceremony,  Bush has purged his cabinet and the CIA of people with integrity, who told him the truth rather than what he wanted to hear, and is replacing them with sadistic toadies whose interest is in amassing power and wealth.  Already, since the "election", he has conducted vicious assaults against the people of Iraq, and is planning death squads, and another war against Iran, according to Cy Hersh.  Already he is manufacturing a "social security crisis" so that his corporado friends can fleece the American people of their retirement savings via the stock market.  Already he has rammed new Homeland Security legislation through Congress which includes most of Patriot Act II, essentially stripping us of whatever civil rights we had left.  Now King George II can willfully define any citizen as a potential terrorist and disappear him/her indefinitely, without due process, access to an attorney, or notification of family.
He has co-opted Christianity and twisted it out of recognition, so that it serves his evil purposes.  He claims to be anointed to lead America, forgetting that Christ said, when offered the rulership of all lands:  "Get thee behind me, Satan."
Will there be another election?  If so, King George would have to step down, to be replaced, perhaps, by brother Jed or buddy Arnold.  But it would be so simple to proclaim martial law after another terrorist attack sometime in the next four years.  Time will tell.
Meanwhile, it is our job to keep hope alive, to keep truth alive, to keep a sense of right and wrong alive, to keep justice alive.  Let us celebrate the spirit of Martin Luther King, Jr. every day!
I announced your justice in the vast assembly;
I did not restrain my lips, as you, O LORD, know.
Psalm 40: 10
In the name of the God of justice,   Carol Wolman


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