Friday, August 19, 2005

The proud and the humble by Carol Wolman

 The Arrogant and the Humble by Carol Wolman
George does not feel he has to answer to anyone about his invasion of Iraq.  If he chooses to ignore the mother of a fallen soldier, he is entitled to that choice.  After all, he is the president, the commander-in-chief.
Cindy walks through ditches in the hot Texas ranch to talk to him.  She pitches a tent in a field and waits patiently to talk to him.  Other gold star parents join her.  She is as American as apple pie, salt of the earth.
Matthew 23:  12And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
All the scurrilous attempts by Bush and company to besmirch Cindy's motives are turned back by the purity of her grief and the greatness of her love for all the young people so cruelly sent to fight an unjust war.    Bush's polls are going down, down, down, and the rats are starting to jump ship.
Cindy has become a star, a role which she handles with humility and grace.  Her mother has had a stroke, doubtless from the stress, and Cindy has left Texas to be with her, but vows to return as soon as she can.  Other peacemakers have taken up the vigil until she returns.
The tide is turning in America. 
Psalm 37:11   But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman


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