Sunday, August 14, 2005

King and Subject by Carol Wolman

King and Subject by Carol Wolman

The drama of King George and Cindy is now a week old.  Cindy Sheehan is patiently waiting for an audience with the ruler who sent her son to be killed in an unjust, illegal war.  Bush, in his arrogance, does not feel that he has to meet with her, and has not.  She sits in the hot Texas sun as his motorcade passes by, and asks why the donors of money are more important than she, who donated her son to his cruel cause.

The servile press mocks her and defends the king.  The courtiers accuse her of "undermining troop morale".  Local rednecks shoot at Camp Casey, named for her son, who died in Al Sadr two years ago.

And supporters flock from all over the world, to join her vigil.  The internet buzzes with Cindy's courage and George's cowardice.  She is galvanizing the peace movement.

Cindy is Catholic, and believes that all people are created equal, and that God values us all.  She does not think that Bush is so lofty that he does not have not meet with her face to face and answer her questions. With Mary, she has faith that

Luke:   52God hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.

And indeed, Cindy is being called "the Rosa Parks of the peace movement".  Her passion may fire us all enough, to impeach the mighty and kick them out of office. 

You can help Cindy Sheehan build the impeachment movement by printing out the letter to Conyers at  This is a self-propagating petition. Anyone can collect 15 signatures of American citizens- they don't have to be registered to vote, or even 18.  Many of your signers will want a blank one, so that they can do what you are doing, and so the impeachment movement will grow.

This letter is not what people signed on line- that was Conyers' letter to Bush.  This petition is an expression of the people's desire that Conyers formally request impeachment hearings. It is faxed directly to his office and puts no one at risk. 

Power to "We, the People!"

In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman


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