Is God on our side? by Carol Wolman
Is God on our side? by Carol Wolman
By "our side", I mean the side of the ordinary people, who love life and love our children, and dream of peace and a habitable planet for future generations. I don't mean "blues", or "progressives", or even peacemakers- I mean the salt of the earth, the downtrodden, the people all over the world who want life on earth to continue.
"Their side" is the "Christian Coalition" allied with the military-industrial complex, the corporate beast- although even the military is starting to rebel against the cruelty and brazen indifference to law and human decency shown by the Bush cartel.
Numbers 13: 31But the men that went up with him (to spy out the land of Canaan) said, We be not able to go up against those people; for they are stronger than we.
Their side, the "Christian" coalition appears to be stronger than we are. They claim that God is with them, and that He plans to destroy the rest of us in a lake of fire. They, the "elect" will be raptured up to a comet and whisked away to heaven. They must be stronger than we are- they have all the weapons, the press, the crowd control methods, the prisons and torturers. All we have on our side is the truth, and a burning desire to live and perpetuate ourselves, as we are meant to do.
The God we worship, the God of the Bible, is the God of truth and the God who tells us to choose life. The Old Testament is full of stories about God helping a weak people to defeat their enemies. In fact, in the story quoted above, God gets very angry at His people for doubting His power to bring them victory.
The battle we are fighting, the battle of Armageddon, a spiritual battle, is reaching a peak. Persistent rumors are floating around, of two sorts. One is that Cheney and Rumsfeld are preparing to attack Iran with nuclear weapons. The other is that Patrick F. Fitzgerald has issued indictments to many major figures in the Bush administration, starting with Bush and Cheney, and extending into Congress. The main charge is obstruction of justice.
Another rumor, from, claims that 8 British agents recently tried to blow up the building in which Fitzgerald was working by planting bombs in the Chicago subway underneath. They were apprehended by law enforcement; 4 were killed. The battle is getting nasty, and may get nastier before it is over.
The battle of Armageddon is described in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 19. On one side are the kings of the earth and their armies, allied with the beast- the corporate monsters like Halliburton and Carlyle that thrive on war. On the other side is the Prince of Peace, wearing a banner that says: Faithful and True. His weapons are the sword coming out of His mouth- meaning His words- and the iron rod, which I interpret as the fear of nuclear holocaust.
Behind Him are the heavenly host, which I take to mean the millions of peacemakers all around the world, who are marching, blogging, working for peace. We are well aware that the warmongers are threatening us all with extinction, and that only peaceful cooperation among all peoples can save us. The planet is small, love must rule us all.
God is on our side, and we will win.
In the Name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
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