Saturday, July 30, 2005

A prayer for the US, and the planet by Carol Wolman

Psalm 67
   1God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah.  2That Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations.
Dear Lord, we have desecrated your bountiful creation, polluted the DNA you gave us with radioactive particles, massacred your creatures, human and otherwise.  Humans, the species to whom You gave dominion, are ruled by spirits of greed and hatred, and make endless war.  Even though You showed us in August 1945 that nuclear weapons can destroy all life, we persist in manufacturing and deploying them. 
Show us Your way, O Lord, that Your saving health may cleanse us of our lust for power through wielding nuclear weapons, and relieve us of our greed for oil.  Show us how to convert to healthy sources of energy.  Help us beat our swords into plowshares, and abolish nuclear weapons.
Dick Cheney has asked the Pentagon to draw up "contingency plans" for nuking Iran in case of another "9-11".  Suspicions are growing that "9-11", the recent bombings in Britain, the bombings in Spain just prior to the elections there, and others have been "false flag" operations performed by the international power elite in order to rally the public behind fascist leadership.
With the growing threat to the fascist leadership in the US from the impeachment movement, another "9-11", providing an excuse for martial law, would not be a shock.  Nuking Iran would follow quickly.  A recent poll shows that 60% of Americans expect World War III pretty soon.  The rapture cult is beckoning thermonuclear war, which they see as fulfillment of prophecy.
Give us discernment, O Lord, so that we might understand that we are being lied to, and so that we may experience the danger we are in. Help us to take proper measures before it is too late.  Let us not be intimidated by the false prophets of the rapture cult, who tell us to give up hope of life on earth.  Rather, strengthen our will to live, and our faith that You, the God of life, will show us the way to a healthy, peaceful future.
The US has pretty much demolished Afghanistan and Iraq.  The sins our country has committed are outrageous, and unforgiveable.  Now Bush et al are considering wreaking even greater havoc on Iran, and spreading nuclear pollution far and wide.  The UN was lied to about Iraq- perhaps if Kofi Annan investigates the lies, the international community could be mobilized to stop another aggressive move by the US.
Dear Lord, have mercy on us.  Let Thy way be known among the nations. 
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman


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