Fw: [PDA] Downing Street Minutes Next Steps - Resolution of Inquiry
Dear Carol, Thanks in part to an overwhelming show of public outrage over the implications of the Downing Street Minutes, the light of inquiry is finally shining into the darkest corners of this administrations shady dealings. Suddenly, things are moving very quickly. On July 17, Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) along with 34 co-sponsors introduced a Resolution of Inquiry in the House of Representatives. If it passes, the White House and the State Department will be required to "transmit all information relating to communication with officials of the United Kingdom between January 1, 2002, and October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq." This potentially paradigm-shifting resolution must be voted on in committee within fourteen legislative days of its introduction. The resolution will almost certainly be voted on in committee between September 6 and 16, because if it is not, Lee can demand a vote of the full House. If left standing, however, the resolution must be taken up again by September 16. Heres where your help is needed: the more Congress Members in the full House who co-sponsor the resolution, the more likely it is to be approved by members of the committee. Now is the time to bring full pressure to bear on those representatives who remain uncommitted and to do all we can to get as many members as possible to sponsor this resolution. (Write to your member here.) When writing your representatives, tell them that information in the Downing Street Minutes strongly suggests that President Bush intentionally deceived Congress about the reasons for going to war. Tell them that if such is not the case, the administration should be eager to release the information contained in the additional official documents and see the President vindicated. Either way, Congress and the American people deserve to know the truth. Full disclosure is essential. No one is above the law. We will not stand for secrecy in our White House. We have only a few days in which to urge our representatives to keep this pivotal resolution alive. Demand that committee members not only vote for it, but vow to discuss it at length and engage in substantive debate when the committee meets, forcing opposing members to go on record with their reasons for voting it down. The future of our country hangs in the balance. And, as always, PDA is here. Progressive representatives are working alongside the citizenry, pushing for truth and justice. Your participation and support are making this all possible. Thank you for all youre doing. TAKE ACTION HERE: http://capwiz.com/pdamerica/issues/bills/?bill=7877436 |
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