Monday, April 11, 2005

Fw: The Way of Truth by Carol Wolman

The Way of Truth by Carol Wolman
Psalm 119
   29Remove from me the way of lying: and grant me Thy law graciously.   30I have chosen the way of truth: Thy judgments have I laid before me.
Facing the truth these days is very painful.  It means seeing through the hypocrisy, media spin, distractions of puffed up news items, and outright lies from the Bush administration.
It is hard enough to keep one's head clear, given the miasma of misinformation, but it is harder still to look clearly at our situation:
A gang of criminals has taken over the US government.  Although they have cloaked their activities in legitimacy, it is clear that their objectives are to enrich themselves and control as much of the world's wealth as they can, using the threat of American military might, now backed up by the gulag run internationally by the CIA.
Although protests continue, the American people have by and large accepted the current state of affairs.  The protests are not covered by the media, and most people are not willing to challenge the election results, despite the exit polls, despite the fuss made over the Ohio results,  despite the obviously rigged machines.  With demonic DeLay controlling the House, impeachment is unthinkable.  The average American feels pretty helpless and unable to affect government policy.
The Bush administration is STILL ignoring global warming, refusing to switch to a viable energy policy, spreading depleted uranium dust around Iraq, revving up the nuclear arms race.  It has flouted international treaties and is trying to send Bolton to the UN, with the obvious intent of disrupting its already fragile workings. 
Thus, the international checks on US power are also very limited.  Mostly they are economic, but the US economy is too important in the global marketplace to pull the rug out from under the dollar, although it would be easy to do.
Another set of unpleasant truths has to do with the fascist nature of the Bush regime.  He and the people around him condone torture and murder.  They have put into place legislation which allows the quick imposition of a fascist state, complete with midnight knocks on the door, disappearances with no recourse, summary justice, no search warrants.  So far, they have not implemented these laws in such a way as to alarm the general American public, although plenty of immigrants and Muslims have felt their teeth.   We all know they are in place, and they have a chilling effect on vigorous dissent.
Choosing the way of truth these days means taking big risks.  If one questions the complicity of Bush et al in 9-11, one is apt to be called paranoid, even in progressive circles.  If one takes to the streets, in some cities (Chicago, New York) one may be gassed or konked on the head.  No doubt the risks will become greater as Bush continues to consolidate his power.
Keeping clear about the truth is our only hope of changing things so that justice will return and the biosphere will have a chance of survival.  Truth is God's way.
Psalm 119
   29Remove from me the way of lying: and grant me Thy law graciously.   30I have chosen the way of truth: Thy judgments have I laid before me.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,  Carol Wolman


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