Wednesday, January 26, 2005


----- Original Message -----
From: A
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2005 4:46 PM

It seems that not everyone was asleep at the wheel when Bush gave his inaugural address. There were a few folks who noticed the truly ominous tones of the speech and that it essentially means that the US is the arbiter and enforcer of justice in the world… all in the name of democracy and that of Christ, I might add. Yet among those folks there is still a need to understand that the war on terror and the US’s ever expanding military presence across the globe have nothing to do with spreading democracy… even the propagandized version America feigns to spread throughout the third world. This is all about dollars and geopolitics. The Church can pretend this is about democracy and Christianity all they want… but Christ wants nothing to do with the bombs and bullets being sprayed in His name.

When not busy waving the flag the Church is also busy getting handouts from the Bush Whitehouse. It seems that GWB spent over one billion dollars last year to fund faith-based programs. This was done through an executive order giving him the right to provide said funding, though congressed has passed no law allowing such action. Interestingly, the money went to Christian groups that were later found to be overwhelmingly active in getting Bush reelected. How’s that for irony? What is sad is that African American church leaders… who’s flocks have the most to lose from Bush and his form of government and Christianity, essentially sold out their savior and their people in exchange for hefty dollar amounts (over a million in some cases) for individual services that . It may be true that you cannot buy happiness… but apparently you can buy religion any time you want.

One thing I do know is that buying off minority churches certainly helps to stop them from speaking out to their congregations about what is really going on in Iraq. This is really sad because it is by and large poor people and minorities who are doing the fighting and dying in Iraq. One thing folks are not getting straight info on is just how long the troops are going to actually be in Iraq. New reports show that 2006 is the earliest that withdrawal will begin. It is convenient… I guess, to have those guys around unless there is a need to set things straight with Iran or Syria. Seriously though… how come the Church doesn’t say a thing about the continuous stream of lies that have come out concerning going into Iraq, the goals there, how long the troops will be there, etc. etc. I have a vested interest in this one because my brother has been there for almost a year now and even if they are true to their word he still has over 6 months to go. Do I believe he’ll actually be able to leave then? Sadly, no I do not.

What do you expect from the Church and American citizens in general though? They have bought in to the lies being sold to them. Plus… their media does nothing to critically examine the truth of what is going on. Don’t inundate me with emails for referring to these guys, but the World Socialist Web Site sees clearly how hoodwinked the American people are… and just as importantly they see how dangerous Bush and his America truly are to the rest of the world.

Its tough when one of the few places you can find realistic analysis of what Bush and Co. are up to is on a socialist web site. Nothing against socialism, per se… but I know how even the mention of the word causes a great number of our Christian readers to immediately start firing me emails about the evils inherent in such an “anti-American” ideology. The Church will preach on end about the horrors of socialism and communism, but will say nary a word about the blood shed by the US in order to maximize profits or about the dictators and oppressive regimes propped up by Christian America throughout the world.

When not busy railing against socialism, communism, or some other “ism” then you can usually find conservative Christians taking on such satanic entities as Sponge Bob Square Pants. It seems much of the Church has declared war on the popular cartoon figure for supposedly being light in his aqua socks. It is comically absurd that Christians have the time to take down such evil when the true evils of the world are passing by and consuming them uncontested and often times at their own hand. In the Bible, Christ describes such people as those who would strain at a gnat, but swallow a camel. That's a very apt description of our current situation if I do say so myself.

I don’t want to be accused of merely railing against the Church… though those supposedly washed in the blood of Christ should be held to a “high standard” so to speak… so I’ll also say that the supposed liberal press in the US is no better when it comes to exposing that which truly needs to be exposed. A perfect example is the reaction to Seymour Hersh’s recent piece in the New Yorker (see the January 21st journal), which highlights how the executive branch and the Pentagon now have the power and authority to wage covert war against anyone they want… any time… and with little to no oversight from congress. The press instead focused on the significance to Iran only and in the process failed to understand the global ramifications of a supposed democracy being able to conduct unilateral secret military actions anywhere its President and Secretary of Defense deem appropriate. Caesar himself would be envious of such power.

What one has to realize is that this is a concerted effort, so to speak, by the elites. The effort is bent on global domination for the purpose of the profits and power that come with them. They are the government, they own the press, and act as pimp for the American Church. The game is rigged on every level. The Lord knew all this would take place. He knew how all encompassing the power, destruction, and deception of Babylon the Great would be. This is why his call to His children is to come out of her… lest you become compromised by the multi-pronged attack on your very soul.


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