Wednesday, November 24, 2004

A Nation Built On A Lie By Judith Moriarty

"Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great."
Rev: 18: 2 
Does this verse refer to Iraq?   For the Rastafarians, Babylon is the whole international exploitative capitalist system.  Many believe that the mystery Babylon refers to the United States.  
"Because your merchants were the great ones of the world,
all nations were led astray by your magic potion." Rev 18: 19
Perhaps the magic potion is the almighty dollar, which is about to collapse.  Babylon is about to fall.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman
A Nation Built On A Lie
By Judith Moriarty
A GIFT from the Matrix (red pill or blue pill? Choose)
America: Land of Denial-Myth-Pharisees - Self-Righteous Elitists - Intolerance-Hypocrisy.
We are a 'People of the Never-Ending Lie' (and the people love it so).
We are the people of the LIE. "The history of any country presented as the history of a family conceals fierce conflicts of interest. And in such a world of conflict-a world of victims and executioners, it is the JOB of thinking people, NOT to be on the side of the executioners. In the long run the oppressor is also the victim. In the short run, the victims, themselves desperate and tainted with the culture that oppresses them, turn on other victims." Howard Zinn - The People Speak. Note: The true history of our nation - 20 years in the writing - told from the voice of the "other."
The Disney World Lie will be perpetuated in churches across America as preachers p ontificate "The Pilgrims brought GOD to these shores". Judging by the barbaric-atrocious behavior of these Pilgrims- God must have hitched a ride back to England shortly after He arrived here! The Indians, benefactors, who welcomed them and helped them to survive their first years here, were massacred by these Godly Puritans- setting whole villages afire (we use bombs-napalm today).  Cotton Mather, one of the more odious and obdurate Pilgrims wrote:  "It was supposed that no less than 600 souls were brought down to Hell that day" Mather in his Annals of Christ in America, wrote " I do, with all conscience of truth report the wonderful displays of His infinite power, wisdom, goodness, and faithfulness, wherewith His divine providence hath irradiated and Indian wildereness."
A Dobson-Falwell-or Robertson (evangelical cult leaders) proclaim this same self righteous hypocrisy in ridding the world today of SINNERS-(all ilk' not themselves) "towel heads-rag heads-camel jockeys-evil"-ungrateful of Christian liberation!
For the rest of the article, go to:


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