Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Why work for impeachment? by Carol Wolman

Why work for impeachment? by Carol Wolman

There are so many things demanding our political attention these days- proliferation of nuclear weapons, weapons in space, the ongoing horror of Iraq, famines, hurricanes,- it's hard to know where to put our time, money and energy.

This picture can be greatly simplified by the realization that most of the mischief is coming from the White House- high military budget and ongoing war to benefit the corporados.  Meanwhile, attention to urgent global problems, such as global warming and the spread of radioactive dust, is diverted and even suppressed.  Bush's new ambassador to the UN is doing his best to wreck that body's ability to function.

Bush pretends to be godly and to be spreading freedom and democracy, when really he is spreading death, imprisonment and torture, and the "privatization" of wealth- eg away from the people into the pockets of the oligarchy.  Bush needs war because it generates profits for his corporate friends.

Psalm 52
   1Why boastest thou thyself in mischief, O mighty man? the goodness of God endureth continually.
Bush, under the tutelage of Karl Rove, is a master of lies and smears.  It is impossible to have a normal political debate about issues with people like this, and ridiculous to try.  One doesn't argue with criminals, one brings charges against them and makes them defend themselves in court.  When the criminals hold high office, this process is called impeachment.
   3Thou lovest evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah.
We in the US have been blessed with a Constitution that vests ultimate authority in "we the people".  Although Bush has done his best to gut the Constitution and go around it, it remains the law of the land.  The Constitution is specifically designed to limit the power of the executive branch, designed by people who had just successfully revolted against a king.  When the president gathers too much power, as Bush has done, the Constitution provides an avenue of redress, via the process of impeachment by the people's elected representatives in the House. 
Impeachment was used against Clinton on the basis of a private misstep that in no way constituted a high crime or misdemeanor.  Clinton was no saint, but his impeachment was unwarranted, just another dirty trick of the Republicans.  Because of this recent precedent, impeachment is seen by many as a political device, used by the party with more power against the weaker.  Since the Republicans are by far the stronger party, seeking impeachment now seems quixotic, hopeless, a waste of time.
This is unduly pessimistic.  Impeachment is meant to be the ultimate recourse of the people when faced by a tyrant.  People are starting to see Bush that way.   His polls are way down, not only in general but on questions about his character and competence.  It is true that the current Congress would never impeach Bush, but there is an election in a little over a year, and if impeachment is the central issue, the people will sweep this Congress out of office.  No other issue will do it.
   5God shall likewise destroy thee for ever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place, and root thee out of the land of the living. Selah.
This is not a partisan issue.  The Democratic party is against impeachment, oddly enough, until one realizes that we truly are dealing with a one party system.  The basic issue is honesty, integrity, service to the people, vs corruption, hypocrisy and corporate ripoffs.  All people of common sense and good will, who care about the future, about the survival of life on the planet, need to unite to get rid of the warmongers who are destroying our chances.  Impeachment is peaceful, legal and practical.
   6The righteous also shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him.
Bush is smug, even with the polls way down, his war going badly, and his administration under investigation by Fitzgerald and the grand jury.  Dubya has been bailed out of one scrape after another by his money and his wealthy friends, and always ended up richer and more powerful.  He expects the same thing to happen again.
   7Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength; but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness.
This time can be different.  It will take courage, determination, a clearminded, one-pointed focus on truth and justice.  We can do it.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman


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