Thursday, March 17, 2005

Does God plan to destroy His creation of life on earth? by Carol Wolman

      by Carol Wolman
There are those who believe in the rapture, a magical "whisping away" of true believers to heaven, before the Great Tribulation.  This culminates in Armageddon, turning earth into a fiery hell, in which all nonbelievers burn forever. 
This scenario is too absurd for most of us to take seriously, yet confront it we must, because the rapture cultists number in the millions in the US, and form an important part of George W. Bush's electoral base.
These true believers take the Bible, the word of God, as their ultimate authority, and read the above series of events into the prophetic writings of Ezekiel, Daniel, Jesus, John and others.  Their interpretation is based on the Scofield Bible, from which Hal Lindsay and LaHaye/Jenkins developed their immensely popular sci fi novels.
The Scofield Bible was written in the mid-nineteenth century, around the same time that corporations were establishing themselves as legal persons , thus empowering themselves to take over the US government.  I have read reports that the Scofield Bible was developed by a powerful secretive elite, centering in the Masons,
 with the purpose of misleading people into concentrating on pie in the sky and ignoring the power grabs of the corporations.  The beast was setting up the false prophets back then, and the same pattern continues today. 
While the motivation of the false prophets may be cynical- look at their personal wealth- the millions of misled sheep who believe them are passionately committed to believing that they will be saved in the rapture.  This belief allows them to overcome the natural grief and horror that the rest of us are feeling, as we watch the depredations of the corporate beast.  They have an easy out, and can feel smug and superior.  This makes them extremely easy to manipulate, eager followers of Fuehrer Bush. 
Many loving, caring people have rejected the Bible because of the Scofield rapture heresy, as it was labeled by the US Presbyterian church in the 1920's.  Yet it is clear that the dire prophecies of the Bible ARE coming to pass, and that humans must mature rapidly, if we are to cooperate, throw the bastards out, and save the planet.  How can we do this without some sort of spiritual guidance, that allows us to overcome our individual egotism and concentrate on the well being of the planet as a whole?  How can we contemplate the horrors that will confront our descendants, clearly and rationally, and take measures NOW that will spare them the worst?  How can we do this without despairing and becoming cynical ourselves?   The answers are all in the Bible; we must reclaim it for the peacemakers.
We must get rid of Bush and the beast he represents by undercutting his political base, especially the rapture cultists.  They do not listen to what most of us understand as reason.  The only way to reach these lost sheep is by showing them Bible passages that refute their beliefs.  Here is one such:
Psalm 105   7He is the LORD our God: his judgments are in all the earth.   8He hath remembered his covenant for ever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations.
This passage refers to the covenant with Abraham, who lived about 4500 years ago. 
Genesis 17 7And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.
Even if one takes "1000 generations" literally, and counts a generation as a minimal 15 years, we are only 300 generations away from that covenant, and so it still holds.  It is a life-affirming covenant.  God wants us to mature in His law, and love one another, and look out for future generations.  It is NOT His plan to destroy life.
In the name of the Prince of Peace,   Carol Wolman


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