Friday, December 17, 2004

The Messianic Era

Dear Friends,
I was raised a Jew.  Our rabbi, David Wice, taught that we were entering a messianic era, ushered in by the founding of the state of Israel.  Although the OT prophets foresaw a person, a messiah to save us, Rabbi Wice envisioned, rather, a time of peace and justice, with love and good will marking the
Justice shall flower in His days,
and profound peace, till the moon be no more.
May He rule from sea to sea,
and from the River to the ends of the earth.

Psalm 72: 7-8
Peace and justice are the hallmarks of the era ruled by the Messiah, whether it takes the form of a person or of Christ-consciousness entering all our hearts.
Contrast this the Bush administration.  We are treated to the endless war and the setting aside of the most basic codes of justice, such as the Geneva Convention and the Bill of Rights.  It is the opposite of what the prophets envisioned. 
This is tremendously important to understand.  The rapture cultists would have us believe that the returning Savior will bring fire and brimstone, and destroy the biosphere.  The elect will be transported to another realm, to live happily ever after.  Their vision, and their actions, are hellish rather than godly.  If we are to save ourselves, the rapture cult must be vigorously challenged.  It is a psychosis, a radical departure from the prophecies of Isaiah, David, Hosea, Micah,- all of whom foresaw that the Messiah would establish an era of peace and justice.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, 
Carol Wolman
When I became a Christian, and


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