Fw: Christ in Christmas
Put Christ in Christmas!
Jingle Bells what the Hell, spend some more this year!
by Robert W. Barker ⢠The Netherlands ⢠December 24, 2004
Send thanks & comments to: BDozer1947@aol.com
One of my pet peeves is commercial Christmas, I turn into a scrooge and bah humbug a lot, at this time of year.
I love the Christmas season with its charity and love, lively parties and cheer! Its the quest for what's best to buy for whom, that irritates me to no end. The pressure to get the right thing, to cover that list to make sure everyone gets a "Gift."
Baby Jesus received gifts at his birth and somehow that set off a Macy's day Parade to the department store. Christmas trees surrounded by thousands of gifts prove we are happy and fulfilled somehow. Prosperity is proof God loves us according to the Gospel of Commercialism, preached from the gold plated pulpit of avarice, in many prosperity churches.
Impoverished Americans feel shame that they cannot provide such happiness, frustration and guilt make poor Christmas presents.
Christ was not about commercial advances, bottom line, traditional buying sprees, required gifts or opulence, or cash value request in our prayers.
Jesus does not peer into your bank account or require a certain total of gifts under the tree.
Jesus requires one thing, according to those often quoted Gospels, "love of God and your fellow man." Many so called Christians forget this and cheer the death in Iraq, promote the rich and shame the poor by their prosperity Gospel.
Yet American society does require a bit more, there is a certain pressure to get the kids as much as the next door neighbors kid, or somehow we feel less Christian, or American.
I have spent a few Christmas in Europe, they have commercial Xmas too, but not quite as buy crazy as Americans, we are the three kings of consumption.
Here I find myself on the side of the TV evangelist, I too would like to see more Christ in Xmas, Only my reasons are not quite the same as theirs.
They seem to want to keep our attention on their program, and off the gifts a bit, as the coffers fill faster when people spend less on Christmas.
I know this sounds a bit cynical but this is the feeling I get from these greedy TV preachers.
Personally, I know that if the real Christ were back in Christmas, love would increase proportionately, Charity would suffice for giving, and kids would be happy with a small gift, a great meal, and a prayer to God.
Ah, I know what your thinking our economy depends on a commercial Xmas. Our souls cry out for understanding but you cannot purchase that.
But I can dream, that like our forefathers we can have a Christmas about love understanding and forgiveness.
Once again I dream of a return to a simple Christmas celebration of Christ birth. But until then, "Hey Jesus got a tree yet?"
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